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The 11 Best Lap Dog Breeds

Written by: Arlene Divina
Arlene Divina, one of the content writers at IHD, loves going on adventures with her adorable fur baby. She now creates informative content for pet parents. Read more
| Published on May 4, 2024

Lapdogs have long been cherished companions across various cultures and societies, valued for their portable size and ability to bond closely with their owners. Ideal for both apartment dwellers and those with limited space, lap dogs typically exhibit traits that make them excellent indoor pets: calm dispositions, lower exercise requirements, and a strong desire for human companionship. They are particularly popular among those who work from home or older adults who seek a comforting, affectionate friend. The best lap dogs are not just small; they possess a temperament well-suited to close living with humans and often have a cuddly, loving nature. This article delves into eleven breeds that are considered the best lap dogs, highlighting their characteristics and why they might be the perfect addition to your family.

1. Chihuahua

Chihuahuas are arguably the epitome of lap dog breeds, renowned for their tiny size and robust personality. Weighing no more than 6 pounds, they are perfect for snuggling and traveling. Despite their diminutive stature, Chihuahuas are known for their confidence and loyalty to their owners. They can be quite protective and possessive, forming strong bonds with a single person, which makes them excellent companions for someone living alone. They require minimal grooming and exercise, but they do well with regular interaction and stimulation to keep their sharp minds engaged.

2. Yorkshire Terrier

Yorkshire Terriers, affectionately known as Yorkies, are more than just their beautiful silky coats. They are spirited, with personalities much larger than their small bodies. Originally bred as ratters, Yorkies are surprisingly brave and adventurous. They love attention and thrive on companionship, making them perfect lap dogs. While their grooming needs can be high, their daily physical exercise requirements are not extensive. They are well-suited to apartment living and often become very attached to their families.

3. Pomeranian

Pomeranians are small but mighty, with a fluffy double coat and a fox-like face. They are active and curious by nature, often alert to their surroundings, which makes them excellent watchdogs. Pomeranians are affectionate and love to be the center of attention, making them a great lap companion. They do well in various types of households but truly thrive when given lots of love and care. Their grooming needs are considerable due to their thick coats, but many owners find joy in the bonding experience of brushing and pampering.

4. Maltese

Maltese are known for their gentle, affectionate nature and striking white, silky coats. They are incredibly loyal to their owners and prefer to stay by their side, often perched on their laps or cuddling close. Maltese can be playful and energetic but are quite content with indoor activities, making them ideal for less active families or older individuals. They do require regular grooming to keep their coat in good condition but are otherwise low-maintenance in terms of their exercise needs.

5. Shih Tzu

Historically bred to warm the laps of royalty in ancient China, Shih Tzus are well-acquainted with the life of a pampered lap dog. They are friendly and outgoing, often getting along well with other pets and people. Shih Tzus have a distinct look with their long, flowing coats and sweet, expressive eyes. They require regular grooming to maintain their appearance but are otherwise easy to care for, needing only basic exercise. Their calm and affectionate demeanor makes them a favorite among those looking for a lovable lap companion.

6. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Cavalier King Charles Spaniels are the larger of the lap dog breeds but are equally affectionate and eager to please. They have a regal yet approachable appearance and a tail-wagging friendliness. Cavaliers are known for their adaptability, equally enjoying a lazy day indoors or a walk in the park. Their exercise needs are moderate, and their grooming is manageable. They thrive on human interaction and often mirror the mood of their owner, making them sensitive companions.

7. French Bulldog

French Bulldogs have a laid-back attitude and love to cuddle, making them an ideal lap dog for city dwellers. They have minimal exercise needs, although they enjoy short walks and playtimes. Frenchies are known for their bat-like ears and stocky build, which adds to their charm. They do well in small spaces and are known for their loving fidelity to their owners. They can be stubborn, but their humorous antics and loving nature make up for it.

8. Bichon Frise

Bichon Frises are small, sturdy, and incredibly friendly, known for their affectionate nature and curly white coats. They are great companions for all ages and do well with families and singles alike. Bichons require regular grooming to keep their coat free of mats and tangles. They are playful and energetic but don’t need much outdoor exercise. Their cheerful demeanor makes them excellent companions for those seeking a joyful lap dog.

9. Dachshund

Dachshunds, also known as wiener dogs, are recognizable for their long bodies and short legs. They are spirited and curious, often forming strong bonds with their owners. While they enjoy cuddles, they are also playful and like to be engaged with toys and games. Dachshunds come in two sizes, standard and miniature, with the latter being an excellent size for a lap dog. Their exercise needs are moderate, and they do well with families and individuals alike.

10. Miniature Pinscher

Miniature Pinschers are small, energetic dogs often mistaken for mini Doberman Pinschers. They are fearless and fun, with a high-spirited and confident demeanor. Min Pins love being close to their owners and make vigilant watchdogs. Despite their energy, they are quite content being lap dogs, enjoying the warmth and closeness of their humans. They require minimal grooming and moderate exercise, making them suitable for various living situations.

11. Toy Poodle

Toy Poodles are intelligent, trainable, and one of the smallest variants of the poodle breed. They are known for their curly, hypoallergenic coats and sharp minds. Toy Poodles excel in obedience and are easy to train, making them great companions for those who enjoy teaching tricks and commands. They bond closely with their families and are always eager to please. Regular grooming is necessary to keep their coat neat and clean, but their exercise needs can be met with short daily walks and indoor play.

In conclusion, these eleven breeds represent some of the best options for those seeking a lap dog that combines affection, companionship, and a manageable size. Whether you’re looking for a low-energy dog, one that’s playful, and spirited, or a breed that’s content to spend hours cuddling, there’s likely a lap dog on this list that meets your needs. Choosing the right dog can bring immense joy and comfort, enhancing your life with the loyal companionship that only a devoted pet can offer.