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Potty training help for my Doberman puppy

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    • #1024957

      I can’t seem to get my 4 month old dobie to understand the concept of going potty outside. I’ve tried the treat thing, I’ve tried taking her about 5-10 mins after she eats and she will literally hold her poop until we get back in the house and then she will go.

      Can someone recommend anything else to try? I’m going crazy!!!

    • #1032557
      Tanks Mom

      Hi Sophie’s Mom,
      Having been with the breed most of my life – my mom was a breeder. Because they are such habitual creatures we would put their accidents out in the yard were we wanted them to poo. The female that I purchased last, was trained under a pine tree – so when we brought her home we had a pine tree in the back and she went right to it and pooped. (the breeder offered us a bag of pine needles) Keep working with her they are stubborn but very smart dogs. Good Luck

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