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Baby And Dog Have A Full Blown Conversation – Can Someone Translate Please?

Does your dog talk to you? We’ve seen videos of dogs talking to their owners. There’s even this cute video of a dog who argues with his mom and another one who throws a tantrum when she didn’t get her dinner on time. But what’s even cuter is when dogs and babies talk to each other!

The dog and the baby on the video below seem to be having a conversation; a conversation that only the two of them understand. The baby starts the conversation by saying something, then the Husky responds in the form of a howl! It makes me really curious what these two are talking about. How I wish there are subtitles for this video clip! Watch it and tell us what you think!

They are so adorable, aren’t they?

So, what do you think are these two talking about? Share your thoughts by leaving a comment below! Or share with us a conversation between you and your dog, and how you were able to decode what he was saying!

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