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Bulldog Throws Funny Fit When Owners Try to Take Away His Favorite Skateboard

Chowder the Bulldog’s enthusiasm for skateboarding is remarkable and unique. It’s more than just a hobby; it’s a genuine passion. Chowder’s fascination with boarding began when with a surprising: he experience that led him to love skateboarding. One day at the beach, he saw a child gliding smoothly on a skimboard, and the sight captivated him. Without any prompting, he decided to give it a try, marking the by putting to the start of his skateboarding journey. The and a … Read more

This Might Be The Unluckiest Bear

Meet Joey, the world’s unluckiest yet most endearing albino grizzly bear. Joey, due to his snowy-white fur from albinism, found himself on an accidental world tour, mistaken not once, not twice, but multiple times for a polar bear! Joey’s rollercoaster of adventures began when a well-meaning animal protection group, mistaking him for a polar bear, shipped him off to the Arctic. Picture this: a regular-sized grizzly among towering polar bears, who were as confused as Joey himself. It turns out, … Read more