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Toss The Treats: Using Everyday Rewards In Training

One of the main reasons many dog owners are hesitant to try positive reinforcement training is because they are worried about always having to have food on them to get their dogs to obey. However, if the training is done correctly, you should not have to use food past the initial learning of the behavior. Sometimes, you might not use food even then, but what you do need is a reward of some type. Why Trainers Use Food At The … Read more

The Leash Matters – When To Use What Type

Why did you choose the leash you did? Maybe based on color or because a friend or trainer recommended it? Many of us don’t take a lot of time thinking about the leash. We just fasten the nearest one to our dog’s collar and go. But the leash is very important. It keeps your dog under control and affects your safety, your dog’s, and that of other animals or people nearby. So next time you reach for the leash, stop … Read more

The First 10 Lessons To Teach Your New Puppy

With their satiny soft ears, perfectly plump paw pads, and irresistible puppy dog eyes, falling in love with your new puppy is easy. What you teach your new puppy, however, is a different story. Countless cute puppies grow up to be adult dogs with unmanageable behavior problems, and animal shelters are filled with dogs that were surrendered because no one took the time to train them. If you want your puppy to grow into the adult dog you’ve always wanted, … Read more

How To Help Your Dog Cope With Separation Anxiety

Separation anxiety in dogs is one of the worst behavioral issues. Dogs suffering from it can be extremely destructive – not only ruining your home, but harming themselves. I’ve heard of dogs eating through walls and jumping out second story windows that were closed. Why Dogs Suffer From Separation Anxiety So far, canine behaviorists have not been able to identify why some dogs develop separation anxiety. It could be genetic, but anecdotal evidence suggests it’s caused by environmental factors. Dogs … Read more

Ask A Dog Trainer: How Do I Get My Distracted Dog To Focus On Me?

You are trying to teach your dog to sit. You’ve tried every trick in the book and he just won’t put that rump on the ground. He’s turning his head every which way, he’s staring off into the distance, he’s rolling around on the ground, he may even be lunging and barking at the bird that just flew by. Sound familiar? If your dog acts like this, it’s time to stop training. When we are training our dogs, we are … Read more

10 Tips For Potty Training A Puppy From A Professional Dog Trainer

If you plan on getting a new puppy, then potty training is probably the first thing on your mind. It’s the one part of puppy ownership that none of us enjoy. Failure at it is one of the reasons dogs are surrendered to shelters. The following ten tips for potty training a puppy will help ensure your success. They are the tips I used with my sheltie when I brought him home at eight weeks – he had two accidents (both my … Read more

10 Things You Must Expose Your New Puppy To NOW

Adding a puppy to your family is a big responsibility. It is imperitive to prepare your new addition to face the world by exposing him or her to multiple stimuli. Just as exposure to vaccines builds a strong immune system, subjecting young dogs to new people, places, sounds and scenarios builds confidence and drastically reduces their chances of developing fear and aggression later in life. Fear is the root cause for some of the most difficult canine behavior problems such … Read more

Ask A Dog Trainer: How Do I Get My Dog To Stop Licking Everything?

Dog licking everything

iHeartDogs is reader-supported. When you buy via links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission at no extra cost to you. While most of us don’t mind a gentle lick from our furry friend now and then, a dog that constantly licks can be exhausting. Some dogs only lick themselves or humans, but others may lick random objects, furniture, or even the floor. No one wants a big spot of dog saliva on the couch. Plus, obsessive licking … Read more

Top 10 Tips On Crate Training A Dog

Crate training tips

iHeartDogs is reader-supported. When you buy via links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission at no extra cost to you. Crate training is one of the best things a dog parent can do. It gives your dog a safe, secure place to be when you can’t watch them. It’s handy for potty training, obedience classes, and travel. Keep reading to learn our top 10 tips on crate training. Are you confused when it comes to training? You … Read more

Top 5 Tips For Training Your Puppy Not To Bite

Preventing puppy biting

iHeartDogs is reader-supported. When you buy via links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission at no extra cost to you. Puppies bite for many reasons. They use their mouth to explore their environment and to play. They also use it to communicate when they are stressed or don’t like the way you are handling them. But those needle-sharp puppy teeth are no fun on our soft skin because we don’t have a layer of fur to protect … Read more

3 Basic Behaviors You Must Teach Your Jack Russell Terrier

Jack Russell Terriers are very intelligent and can learn just about anything you want to teach them, however, their terrier personality can make training a challenge. For some owners, the challenge becomes “not worth it” and they decide their Jack Russell doesn’t really need to learn how to roll over or fetch. And, really, that’s probably true. Unless you plan on competing in canine freestyle or competition obedience (where you need a retrieve), tricks and behaviors such as these are completely optional. … Read more

4 Tips to Stop Your Doberman From Digging

Doberman Pinchers are intelligent, high energy dogs that do not like to be left alone. If you leave yours in the backyard by herself for too long, chances are she will start to dig. Once a dog starts digging, it can be hard to curb the behaviors because it is self-reinforcing. In other words, your dog is getting plenty of things she wants from the digging, so it makes the behavior stronger. However, there are a few things you can … Read more

3 Basic Behaviors You Must Teach Your Doberman

You can teach your Doberman Pinscher to do almost anything – maybe you want her to learn how to balance on a pedestal or retrieve your newspaper each morning. Or maybe you really don’t care if he knows how to do anything fancy, as long as he is housebroken. No matter what your motivation for training is, there are a few behaviors your best friend should know for his own safety. The following are three basic behaviors you must teach your Doberman. … Read more

5 Tips To Prevent Your Sheltie From Pulling On The Leash

Does your Shetland Sheepdog pull your arm out of your socket at every walk? Many Shelties have trouble walking on leash for a variety of reasons – they may want to greet other people or dogs, or chase moving objects (including cars!). In some cases, your Sheltie may be pulling out of fear and you will probably need the help of a professional trainer. But for those that just have a rambunctious Sheltie bent on chasing everything, don’t worry, you … Read more

5 Tips to Stop Your Jack Russell Terrier From Digging

Your Terrier was bred to hunt vermin, so it should not be a surprise if your Jack Russell Terrier starts to dig up your backyard, especially if you have a mole problem. However, that does not make it any less frustrating as a homeowner trying to keep your yard nice for entertaining. While this behavior maybe instinctual and therefore hard to stop, there are things you can do to help curb your dog’s desire. The following are five tips to stop … Read more

3 Basic Behaviors You Must Teach Your Corgi

For the most part, what you teach your Corgi is entirely up to you and your family. If you want him to be the next agility champion, you will need to teach him skills needed for that sport. If you want her to be a herding star, that’s a whole different set of behaviors. Or maybe you don’t care what he does, as long as he learns to not go to the bathroom in the house. Regardless, there are a … Read more

4 Tips To Get Your Corgi To Stop Digging

Corgis are high energy herding dogs that need a job. If yours is spending too much time alone in the backyard, they will find something to occupy themselves. Maybe it’s eating your plants (some of which may be poisonous, by the way) or maybe it’s digging. Digging is done for a variety of reasons, including boredom and not enough exercise. It not only destroys your yard, but can be dangerous if your dog digs out of the yard. The following … Read more

3 Basic Behaviors You Must Teach Your Bull Terrier

What you want to teach your Bull Terrier in terms of behaviors and tricks is really up to you. No dog trainer should demand you teach your dog something you don’t want to. For example, many show dogs are not taught a Sit because their owners do not want to run the risk of them offering that behavior in the show ring. However, there are a few behaviors that all dogs should know to keep them out of trouble. The … Read more

3 Basic Behaviors You Must Teach Your Beagle

Have you given up on training your Beagle? Their willful nature can be a challenge that many owners decide isn’t worth fighting. And really, if your Beagle is just a family pet, he may not need to know a whole lot. However, even if he is just the couch potato that goes on daily walks with you, there are things he should know for safety reasons. The following are three basic behaviors you must teach your Beagle for his safety. … Read more

4 Tips To Get Your Beagle To Stop Digging

Beagles are intelligent, high energy dogs, which means they get bored quick. If your Beagle spends a lot of time in the backyard by herself, don’t be surprised if she develops a digging problem. Dogs digs for many reasons – boredom, to find vermin, investigate smells, escape, and possibly just because it feels good to have the earth between their toes. Whatever the reason, digging is destructive and can be dangerous if they are digging their way to freedom. If … Read more

How To Teach Your Doberman To Stay

Stay is one of those behaviors that is useful for any dog to have, but is tricky to train. Whether you want your Doberman to be the next obedience champion, or just to stay put when you open your front door, it’s a wonderful behavior to teach. Plus, it helps your dog learn self-control, which carries over into other parts of her life – such as not diving for your food plate or chasing the cat. The following is a … Read more

5 Tips To Prevent Your Jack Russell Terrier From Pulling On The Leash

Just because your Jack Russell Terrier is not a large dog, does not mean they shouldn’t walk nicely on leash. While your JRT may not be able to pull you over, they can still cause injury to your shoulder, arm, or wrist should they suddenly bolt. It’s also not good for your dog’s body to be constantly pulling against you. This includes pulling due to her stopping and barking at everything. Finally, leash manners mean your dog listens and pays … Read more

5 Tips To Prevent Your Doberman From Pulling On The Leash

Doberman Pinschers are big dogs that are very strong. If your Dobie is not taught leash manners, they can become terrible pullers. This not only makes walks miserable, but can cause injury to you if your Dobie pulls you off your feet. Leash manners make sure you have a pleasant walk and can prevent your dog from getting away from you. If you are approaching an unfriendly dog, it can prevent a fight. It also creates a strong bond between … Read more

5 Tips To Prevent Your Corgi From Pulling on Leash

Although Corgis are small, their low center of gravity gives them an edge and they can be quite good at pulling you wherever they feel on leash. This makes for very unpleasant walks, especially if you own a Corgi that wants to herd (chase) everything that moves along the way. Thankfully, there is a way to reverse this behavior and get your Corgi walking nicely by your side. The following are five tips to prevent your Corgi from pulling on … Read more

4 Things To Do When Your Chihuahua Is Stressed

Chihuahuas are pretty good at letting you know what kind of mood they are in, so if you have some basic dog body language skills, you probably know when yours is upset about something. Once you know that, however, the next step is knowing that to do. How you react to your Chihuahua when she reacts is very important. The following are four things to when your Chihuahua is stressed. #1 – Find The Trigger First and foremost, you must … Read more

4 Things To Do When Your English Bulldog Is Stressed

Learning your English Bulldog’s cues for when she is stressed, anxious, or afraid of something is very important. Equally important, however, is knowing what to do if she is in that state. How you react can have a very big impact on whether your Bully’s fear stays the same, goes away or escalates. The following are four things to do when your English Bulldog is stressed. #1 – Find The Trigger First and foremost, you must figure out what is … Read more

4 Things To Do When Your Boston Terrier Is Stressed

Now that you know how to tell your Boston Terrier is Stressed, you may be wondering – now what? It’s all well and good to know your dog is stressed, but if you don’t know how to react to his emotions, then it does no good. What you do will have a big impact on how your dog deals with his anxiety, including future encounters with whatever triggers his reaction. The following are four things to do when your Boston Terrier … Read more

How To Teach Your Beagle To Stop Jumping on People

No matter how much you love your Beagle, being jumped on constantly is no fun. Even if you don’t mind, friends, family and strangers who meet your dog may. Getting a dog to stop jumping on people can seem challenging, but for kids and the elderly, jumping dogs can result in injury – so it’s best to teach your Beagle manners.  The following is how to teach your Beagle to stop jumping on people. Why Your Beagle Jumps On People … Read more

How To Teach Your Doberman To Stop Jumping On People

Of course it’s cute when your Doberman puppy comes up to you and puts his paw on your leg for attention. But when that puppy grows into an adult Dobie and is throwing approximately 70 pounds on you, it becomes less cute. Jumping on people is a learned behavior that dogs do because, in the past, it’s gotten them something they wanted. Luckily, that means we can change this habit with a bit of training and patience. The following is how … Read more

How To Teach Your Bull Terrier To Stop Jumping on People

While short in stature, Bull Terriers have a solid body and it’s no joke when one of these joyful bullies decides to leap on you. This is a taught behavior, usually reinforced unknowingly by owners or strangers when your dog is a puppy. By the time he is a full grown adult, you have a problem on your hands. Luckily, since this is learned behavior, your dog can unlearn it – it just takes time and patience. The following is … Read more

How To Teach Your Jack Russell To Stop Jumping on People

Jack Russell Terriers are agile and intelligent. If they can figure out a way to get something they want, they will. This means learning very quickly that jumping on people gets them things – attention, being held, a piece of food, a toy, etc. This habit is usually taught when they are tiny puppies, and we don’t think much of it- but then they get bigger and it becomes a nuisance. If your JRT is a jumper, don’t worry. You can … Read more

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