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5 Signs Your Pomeranian Is Stressed

| Published on December 29, 2016

The world is a big place for your little Pomeranian, and often that can be quite scary. Just like us, our Poms have fears and anxieties about things happening to and around them. It can be easy to forget this or not understand when our dogs are feeling this way because they communicate it differently than we do. If you aren’t sure how to tell when your Pom is anxious or afraid, you will have a hard time helping him overcome these emotions. The following are 5 signs your Pomeranian is stressed, which all owners should know.


#1 – Whale Eye

“Whale eye” is when the white in your dog’s eye – around the iris – is visible. This is a definite sign that your Pomeranian is stressed or anxious. Due to the size of the iris on the Pom, you may not see a lot of white compared to other breeds. Often, the eyes will almost look like they could pop out of your Pom’s head. Also watch those ears, they will often go back and down.

#2 – Shivering

Your Pom has a lot of fur, so if she is shaking, it’s probably not from the cold. However, they do shiver when they are frightened or nervous. So as long as you know it’s not a temperature problem, if your Pomeranian is doing this, something is bothering her.

#3 – Cowering

Poms who are stressed will often try and find a place to hide. They may cower at your feet with their body hunched over and their ears down, or try to hide under furniture. Some may even duck under their owner’s arm if they are being held.

Image Source: Irish Typepad Via Flickr
Image Source: Irish Typepad Via Flickr

#4 – Whining

A stressed Pomeranian will often whine. Some will pace, and some will stay in one spot. If your Pom is whining and you know she doesn’t have to go outside to go potty, she may be stressed. Stress whining can turn into barking or crying as well.

#5 – Won’t Eat

If you train using positive reinforcement (or just happen to be feeding him) and your Pomeranian is not interested in his food that he normally inhales, something is up. Barring any medical reasons, he is probably stressed or anxious. Change the environment so he is more comfortable and then he will eat. He may also eat, but take the food very hard. This is also a sign of stress.


Frequently Ask Questions

Pomeranian puppies can be the best companion a man could ask for, especially as they are so petite. Nonetheless, even tiny dogs are prone to stress, usually because of their diminutive size. Your small Pomeranian may be frightened by the vastness of the world, but with the right technique, you can help them to live a happier life, take a look.

How Do You Calm An Anxious Pomeranian?

Poms, like humans, get worried and scared about the world around them. Because dogs express their emotions differently than we do, it is easy to overlook or misinterpret their actions. It will be difficult to help your Pom overcome anxiety and fear if you do not know how to recognize them in him.

For starters, there is scientific evidence to suggest that dogs pick up on their owners’ anxiety. Next, new and preexisting stress can be exacerbated by exposure to loud noise. If you need to use a loud device like a vacuum, mixer, or anything else in the house, have someone else keep your Pom away.

Pay attention to your tone and loudness when speaking to your pup and others in the home. Every household member, including the dogs, can feel the strain of constant bickering and shouting. Dogs can sense the tension in the air when their owners are having quiet but stressful conversations, such as when they are worrying about their jobs or finances, which makes it best to put your dog in the backyard when stressed.

Additionally, dogs need complete peace and quiet when they eat and drink; this includes no passing people, no passing feet, no passing other dogs, and no passing noises. If your Pom is feeling stressed, you may need to change their food routine. Always watch for small children who could destroy your dog’s peace and quiet. Having a safe place to go where they can get away from the things that are stressing them out is beneficial to the dog’s mental health.

Does My Pomeranian Have Anxiety?

We often use the term stress to describe how we are feeling when we are under a lot of demand or pressure. A wide range of potential triggers for stress attack tiny dogs like Pomeranians. Their size, concern for their humans, and normal neurosis can all contribute to their anxiety.

Some signs can help to determine if your dog has a problem, such as pacing or trembling. Like most other breeds, Pomeranian dogs yawn to express fatigue or boredom. When under pressure, they yawn as well. A stressed yawn in a Pomeranian dog is longer and more intense than a yawn that occurs during sleep. On top of that, anxious Pomeranian dogs can slobber and lick themselves to death.

Furthermore, Pomeranian dogs vocalize as a form of expression; this behavior may become more pronounced under stress. As a form of communication and self-soothing, anxious or stressed Pomeranians may bark or whine. When anxious, they may also show signs with their eyes, such as excessive blinking or dilated pupils.

Finally, this breed tends to stress urinate. Some dogs may urinate immediately after meeting a new dog mate as a stress reaction. Anxious Pomeranians may lose more fur, too, as they shed heavily. You can expect panting, too, as this is common for most dog breeds.

How Do I Know If My Pomeranian Is Stressed?

Knowing the symptoms, such as those listed above, can help you to watch out for signs of stress in your Pomeranian. However, dogs can experience anxiety from various sources, but the signs are generally the same. It is critical to identify the cause of the issues and take corrective action as soon as they are identified.

Aggression, overeating, destructive behavior, depression, barking excessively, pacing, restlessness, and repetitive actions are all indications. If any of these symptoms are new, take them to the vet to determine if an underlying health problem could be the cause. Otherwise, watch for new behaviors after big changes, such as someone moving out.

Why Does My Pomeranian Seem Sad?

Pomeranians will often experience feelings of melancholy following significant life events or transitions. Most of the time, they will not be sad for very long, and if you show them love and attention, they will quickly return to being cheerful. Often the large world and the stress of people in their world can cause a pup to seem sad.

How Do You Cheer Up A Pomeranian?

Your Pomeranian takes pleasure in your well-being. Essentially, they are happy when you are happy. Maintaining a regular schedule of feeding, walking, and cuddling might help lift your dog’s spirits. Consider taking your dog to the vet if they still look depressed or if they are not showing signs of improvement.

Do Pomeranian Have Separation Anxiety?

Small dogs can suffer from separation anxiety because they are tiny and want to be taken care of by humans. Unlike large dogs who want to care for humans, little dogs want constant attention because they are bred to be companions. Separation anxiety is a real issue for some Pomeranians.

How To Help Pomeranian Separation Anxiety?

In order to help their pets feel less frightened when they are left alone, owners of dogs of this breed need to take the appropriate safety precautions. Some strategies for overcoming separation anxiety involve engaging in additional physical activity and learning new training skills; however, there are other things that may also be helpful. Try calming treats, supplements, and pheromone sprays to help calm your pup.

How To Train Pomeranian Separation Anxiety?

The best way to keep your Pomeranian from worrying while you are gone is to keep it occupied. A dog can usually survive for some time away from their owners with the right training. You should not need to stress if you have other obligations, like school or employment.

A typical dog will be happy being left alone for 8 or 9 hours. This, of course, assumes that Fido has access to enough supplies, including food, water, playthings, etc. You can also get a doggy cam if your Pom shows signs of severe separation anxiety. Take them to the vet for additional training options and treatments.

What Scares A Pomeranian?

Noise is a major source of worry for most of these tiny puppies. Some breeds of dog, including Pomeranians, are said to suffer from anxiety on New Year’s Eve and the Fourth of July from the fireworks. Your Pomeranian pup can get scared of loud noises and flashing lights. These canines have excellent hearing, making even loud sounds seem amplified to them. Rather than trying to calm your pet down, you should aim to get rid of the noise altogether.

In addition to loud noises and sudden movements, big crowds can also be stressful for young Pomeranian dogs. If your dog is accustomed to spending time alone, you will notice this immediately. It is not a good idea to bring your Pomeranian puppy to a party if you and the dog are always left alone together.

Small and adorable, Pomeranian puppies are a popular pet. Despite their canine ancestry, these adorable animals are far smaller. Larger dogs will sometimes pick up and throw Pomeranian puppies because they can. Because of this apprehension, these Pomeranian pups develop nervousness when they encounter larger dogs.

Why Is My Pomeranian Scared Of Everything?

While tiny and adorable, Pomeranians are extremely tiny dogs. Everything from furniture to humans and even the family cat may seem extremely large and a threat. They do not even have a mouth big enough to harm most other animals or claws to help protect themselves; instead, they need to make a lot of noise to scare off threats and make a lot of erratic movement as protection.

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