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The 7 Most Unusual Habits of Pomeranians

Written by: Ejay Camposano
A college graduate with a degree in Electrical Engineering, Ejay has a diverse background that combines technical expertise with a passion for pets and is now one of the content writers at IHD. Read more
| Published on April 12, 2024

Pomeranians, with their fluffy coats and expressive, fox-like faces, are more than just a pretty sight. These tiny but bold dogs pack a lot of personality into a small package, often surprising their owners with their quirky behaviors. Originating from the Pomerania region in Central Europe, these dogs were bred down in size from larger sled and herding dogs, which may explain some of their spirited and resilient traits. Known for their lively and affectionate nature, Pomeranians also exhibit some unusual habits that are as endearing as they are perplexing. This article explores the seven most unusual habits of Pomeranians, providing insight into the unique characteristics that make this breed a beloved companion for many.

1. Spinning in Circles

Pomeranians are often seen spinning in circles, a behavior that can occur when they are excited, anticipating something eagerly, or even when they’re trying to get your attention. This spinning can seem like an endless whirl of fluffy fur, especially right before meals or during greeting rituals. This habit is rooted in their high energy levels and quick responsiveness. While it’s mostly harmless, ensuring that your Pomeranian has adequate physical and mental stimulation can help manage their excitement and reduce obsessive spinning.

2. “Pom Voice”

Pomeranians have a unique way of “talking” or vocalizing, which owners often refer to as the “Pom voice.” This involves a series of different sounds, including yips, growls, and a distinctive howl that is surprisingly robust for their size. This vocal behavior is more than just barking; it’s a way they engage with their environment or communicate their needs and emotions to their owners. Understanding and responding to these vocal cues can help strengthen the bond between you and your Pom, as they are very communicative and appreciate being heard.

3. Shadow Following

Pomeranians are known for their loyalty and can become very attached to their owners, often to the point of being “shadow” dogs. This means they will follow you everywhere, from room to room, rarely letting you out of their sight. This behavior stems from their strong bond with their owners and their pack mentality, where being alone is instinctually uncomfortable. While this is a sign of affection, it’s important to encourage some independence in your Pom to prevent separation anxiety when they are alone.

4. Sleeping with Toys

Many Pomeranians have the unusual habit of sleeping with their toys. They might bring their favorite toy to their bed or chosen sleeping spot every night. This behavior can be linked to their instinct to possess and protect their resources, as well as a comfort mechanism, much like a child with a security blanket. Providing your Pomeranian with a specific toy for comfort can help them feel secure and add a routine to their bedtime habits.

5. Hiding Food

Despite their small size, Pomeranians can exhibit a behavior typical of larger breeds: hiding food. They might stash away portions of their meal around the house for later consumption. This habit has its roots in their ancestral survival instincts, where storing food might have been necessary for survival. While it can be amusing, it’s also important to monitor this behavior to ensure it doesn’t lead to spoiled food being left around the house, which could be a health hazard.

6. Obsessive Licking

Pomeranians sometimes engage in obsessive licking, either of themselves, their owners, or objects around the house. This habit can be a sign of affection, a self-soothing behavior, or a way to gain attention. However, if excessive, it might also indicate underlying issues such as allergies or anxiety. Consulting with a vet to rule out medical causes can be crucial, as well as providing ample stimulation to keep your Pom mentally and physically satisfied.

7. Sudden Bursts of Energy

Known as “zoomies,” sudden bursts of energy where your Pomeranian might run around wildly, are a common and unusual habit. This usually happens when they are extremely excited or after periods of rest. This behavior is a healthy expression of joy and a way for them to expend excess energy. Engaging in regular play and exercise can help manage these bursts and keep your Pom healthy and happy.

In conclusion, Pomeranians are delightful companions known not only for their beauty but also for their distinctive, quirky behaviors. These habits, while sometimes unusual, are part of what gives Pomeranians their unique charm. Understanding and appreciating these traits can help enhance the living experience with these energetic, affectionate pets, ensuring a happy and harmonious home.

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