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Family Reunites With Dog After 7 Years, Then Adopt The Stray He Befriended

| Published on August 8, 2016

The Montez family reunited with their dog, named Corky, nearly 7 years after he went missing from their home. He was brought to the Humane Society of North Texas (HSNT) together with another homeless dog. Thanks to Corky’s microchip, they were able to locate his family.

The Montez family was shocked to get a call from HSNT. After almost 7 years of being missing, they never thought they would see their dog again. They quickly went to the shelter to get reunited with their beloved dog.

Image Source: Kim Montez via The Dodo
Image Source: Kim Montez via The Dodo


When they got there, they found out that their dog had made a friend while he was missing and living on the streets. Corky wasn’t alone during those trying times. A one-eyed dog, now named Captain, had looked out for Corky. The family was touched and they decided that Corky and Captain should stay together. So to keep them together, they adopted Captain and welcomed him to the family!


This past Saturday, two stray dogs named Corky and Captain were brought to HSNT by a Good Samaritan. Our receiving staff…

Posted by Humane Society of North Texas on Sunday, July 24, 2016


Isn’t that amazing?!

Jimmy Montez told The Dodo, “They’re as thick as thieves. Wherever Captain goes, Corky is right there with him. I think Corky had been helping him out on the streets because he’s missing an eye. He always lets him eat first and they always nap together. Corky looks after him.

Image Source: Kim Montez via The Dodo
Image Source: Kim Montez via The Dodo


Corky and Captain have an amazing friendship. A big thank you to the Montez family for opening your hearts and your home to Captain!

Would you have done the same thing? Share your thoughts with us in the comments section below!

For more of this story, read the post by The Dodo.

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