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10 Ways to Pamper Your Dog on a Budget

| May 9, 2014

Ever wondered how to give your pups the best pampering, but can’t afford a full spa day or a fancy foam dog bed? Luckily, what our dogs value most is something money can’t buy – love and attention from you! Here are some great ideas for the dog lover on a budget who is looking to splurge on their pooch!

#1 – Homemade Meal

Instead of his normal commercial dog food, fix the dog a homemade meal. Not only will it be healthier for him, but it is also less expensive than commercial dog food. Just be certain to avoid ingredients that are not dog-approved, like the ones listed here. The internet is full of recipes for dog appropriate meals, but we especially love the recipes in the Proud Dog Chef: Tail-Wagging Good Treat Recipes Cookbook! Not looking to buy a book? Check out the awesome, dog-safe recipes on Pinterest!


#2 – Massage

Give your dog a massage. You are your dog’s favorite person and if he loves touch from anyone, it’s you! It doesn’t require a certification and will make your dog feel special to have an extended “petting” session. Try getting started with some of these “T-touch” techniques, which are meant to give your dog a nice, relaxing massage AND strengthen the bond between you!


#3 – Bath

This may not be the best choice if your dog isn’t a fan of the bath, but for those that don’t mind getting wet, a nice, warm, sudsy bath can be special! Don’t just scrub them up, make small, firm circles while getting them soapy – similar to a massage, it’ll be nice and relaxing.

#4 – Teach a New Trick

Some dogs – and owners – may think of training as just work, but for a dog who loves to learn, training can be a fun experience! Learning a new trick can give your dog confidence and stimulate his mind. Not only that, but for a few minutes he’ll have your complete, undivided attention – which he’ll love more than anything!


#5 – Homemade Treats

Whip up some yummy homemade treats. The internet is lousy with treats for all kinds of dogs and with ingredients you would be surprised to find in a treat!


#6 – Picnic


Take the dog out to a local park for a special one on one picnic. The dog will get his socializing in, have the ability to explore and spend time with his favorite person in the world. Be sure to pack the homemade meal and treats, to make it extra special.


#7 – Walk


Something as simple as a walking a new route could lift a dogs spirits. New sights, new smells, it would be a completely new evening newspaper for the dog to peruse.

#8 – DIY Toys


There are tons of ideas on Pinterest for DIY dog toys. Complexity level is based on each owners preference. Either tie a knot in an old pair of jeans or braid an intricate corded Frisbee. The sky’s the limit on creativity.

#9 – Games

Most dogs love to play. Playing with their person is even better. Instead of the normal game of fetch, try something new like Hide & Seek or Treasure Hunt. This will keep the dog mentally stimulated and make her happy to be with her owner.

#10 – Crafts

Creating a homemade craft with your dog’s own special artistic touch won’t just give you a fun afternoon, it’ll give you a keepsake that will last years – even after your dog has gone. A fun craft project to do “with” the dog would be to whip up a batch of salt dough and make a plate with the dogs paw print. Another fun project is to dip the dogs paw in non-toxic paint and imprint it on canvas. Make sure to wash the paint off the paw really well. It may be non toxic, but it may still make certain dogs sick.


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