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11 Secrets to Make Your Husky Come When Called

Written by: Zyra Capalac
Zyra is a Special Project Coordinator of HomeLife Media and a writer for She has 3 dogs namely Skye, Luna, and one of them is a rescue, named Tesla.Read more
| Published on April 24, 2023

Huskies are a unique breed of dog that are known for their independent nature and strong-willed personalities. While this can make them great companions, it can also make training them a challenge, especially when it comes to teaching them to come when called. However, with the right techniques and consistent practice, it is possible to train your husky to reliably come when called.

In this article, we will explore some effective methods for training your husky to come when called and provide tips for making the training process as smooth and successful as possible.

Note: For a complete training, we highly recommend this SpiritDog Online Training Course “Coming When Called”.

1. Start with a Strong Foundation

Before you begin training your husky to come when called, it’s crucial to establish a strong bond with your pet. Spend time playing with your dog, engaging in activities they enjoy, and providing positive reinforcement through praise and treats. Building trust and a strong connection with your husky will make them more likely to respond positively to your commands.

2. Choose a Distinct Command Word

Select a specific word or phrase for the recall command, such as “come” or “here.” Ensure that the command is distinct from other commands you use and that all family members use the same word consistently. Consistency is critical to avoid confusing your husky and ensuring that they understand what you expect from them.

3. Begin Training Your Husky in a Controlled Environment

Start training your husky to come when called in a controlled, distraction-free environment like your home or a fenced yard. In the early stages of training, it’s essential to minimize distractions to help your dog focus on learning the new command. As your dog becomes more reliable in responding to the recall command, gradually introduce distractions and practice in various environments.

4. Use Positive Reinforcement with Your Husky

When training your husky to come when called, always use positive reinforcement techniques. Reward your pup with praise, treats, or playtime when they respond to your recall command. This will help create a positive association with the command and motivate your dog to respond consistently. Remember to be patient and consistent in your training, as it may take time for your dog to master the recall command.

If you’re using treats, these are currently the most popular training treats on Amazon.

5. Gradually Increase Distance and Distractions

As your husky becomes more reliable in responding to the recall command in a controlled environment, begin to increase the distance between you and your dog during training sessions. Practice calling your dog from various distances and gradually introduce distractions, such as other dogs, people, or toys. This will help your dog learn to respond to the command even in challenging situations.

Related: Looking for the fastest way to train your husky to come when called? Try this video course.


6. Make Yourself Interesting and Rewarding to Your Husky

To encourage your husky to come when called, make yourself more appealing and rewarding to your dog. Use an enthusiastic, high-pitched voice when calling your dog, and reward them with a treat or praise when they respond. You can also try running away from your dog when calling them, as this can entice your dog to chase after you and respond to the recall command.

7. Never Punish Your Husky for Coming When Called

It’s essential to avoid punishing your husky if they do not immediately respond to the recall command or if they come to you slowly. Punishing your dog can create a negative association with the command and make them less likely to respond in the future. Instead, be patient and continue to practice and reinforce the command using positive reinforcement techniques.

8. Practice the Recall Command Regularly with Your Husky

Consistent practice is crucial for training your husky to come when called. Incorporate recall training into your dog’s daily routine, and practice the command in various environments and situations. This will help reinforce the behavior and make it more reliable over time.

9. Use a Long Training Leash on Your Husky

When transitioning from a controlled environment to a more open space, consider using a long training leash to maintain control over your husky while they learn to respond to the recall command. This will help you avoid losing control of your dog and provide a safety measure as you gradually increase the distance and distractions during training sessions.

This is the most popular long training leash on Amazon. 

10. Be Patient and Persistent with Your Husky

Training your husky to come when called takes time, patience, and persistence. Some dogs may learn the command quickly, while others may require more time and consistent practice. Be patient with your dog and maintain a positive attitude during training sessions. Remember that every dog is unique, and the key to success is consistent practice and positive reinforcement.

11. Use a Professional Online Husky Training Course

While this article provides many helpful tips for training your husky, you can increase your chances of success by enlisting the help of a professional online dog trainer. We love the SpiritDog online courses, since its includes unlimited questions with a real dog trainer.

You can check out their Teach Your Husky to Come Online Course Here

Training your husky to come when called can be a challenging process, but with patience, consistency, and positive reinforcement, it is definitely achievable. Whether you use basic recall commands, employ positive reinforcement techniques like treats and toys, or make use of long lines and training collars, the most important thing is to remain patient and consistent in your efforts. Always remember to praise your husky when they come to you and avoid using punishment or negative reinforcement, as this can damage the trust and bond you have built with your dog. With time and effort, you can successfully train your husky to come when called and enjoy a stronger relationship with your beloved pet.


More Frequently Asked Questions For Training Your Husky

If you’re a husky owner, you know that training this independent breed can be a challenge. Huskies are known for their strong-willed personalities, and getting them to obey commands like “come” and “stay” can be difficult. However, with the right techniques and consistent practice, you can successfully train your husky to follow your commands and become a well-behaved companion.

1. How do I train my husky to stop pulling on the leash?

Huskies are strong dogs that love to explore, and this can make them pull on the leash during walks. However, this behavior can be dangerous for both you and your dog, and it’s important to teach your husky to walk calmly on a leash. The first step in leash training is to use a well-fitted harness, rather than a collar, to avoid choking your dog or hurting their neck. Start by walking your husky in a quiet area with few distractions, and reward them with treats when they walk calmly by your side. If your husky starts to pull, stop walking and wait for them to come back to your side before continuing. Consistency is key, so be patient and keep practicing until your husky walks calmly on the leash.

2. How can I teach my husky to come when called?

Training your husky to come when called is an essential skill that can keep them safe in a variety of situations. To start, choose a specific command word, such as “come” or “here,” and use it consistently every time you call your husky. Start training in a quiet, distraction-free environment, and call your husky’s name followed by the command word. When your husky comes to you, reward them with praise and a treat. As your husky becomes more reliable, gradually increase the level of distractions and distance between you and your dog. Remember to always reward your husky when they come to you, and avoid punishing them if they don’t respond immediately.

3. How can I prevent my husky from digging in the yard?

Huskies are known for their love of digging, and this behavior can be frustrating for owners. However, there are several ways to prevent your husky from digging in your yard. First, provide your husky with plenty of exercise and mental stimulation to prevent boredom, which can lead to digging. Make sure your husky has plenty of toys and activities to keep them occupied when you’re not around. You can also designate a specific area of your yard for your husky to dig in, such as a sandbox or designated digging pit. If your husky starts to dig in an area they shouldn’t, redirect their attention to a designated digging area and reward them for digging there instead. Consistency and patience are key in preventing digging behavior, so be persistent in redirecting your husky’s behavior.

Training your husky requires patience, consistency, and positive reinforcement. Whether you’re teaching your husky to walk on a leash, come when called, or stop digging in the yard, it’s important to approach training with a calm and positive attitude. With time and effort, you can successfully train your husky and enjoy a happy and well-behaved companion for years to come.

4. What’s the best online course for teaching a husky to come when called? 

At iHeartDogs, we recommend the SpiritDog online course “Coming When Called.” The course includes unlimited questions with a real dog trainer.


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