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13 Things to Know Before Bringing Home a New Golden Retriever

Written by: Arlene Divina
Arlene Divina, one of the content writers at IHD, loves going on adventures with her adorable fur baby. She now creates informative content for pet parents. Read more
| Published on May 10, 2023

Golden Retrievers are one of the most popular dog breeds in the world and for good reason. They are friendly, loyal, and intelligent dogs that make wonderful companions. Whether you are considering a Golden Retriever puppy or a rescue, here are 12 things you should know before bringing one home.

1. Golden Retrievers are a high-energy breed

Golden Retrievers are known for their boundless energy and enthusiasm. They require daily exercise to keep them healthy and happy. If you are considering a Golden Retriever, make sure you have the time and energy to provide them with the exercise they need.

2. Golden Retrievers are social animals

Golden Retrievers are social animals and thrive on human interaction. They make great family pets and are excellent with children. If you are considering a Golden Retriever, be prepared to spend time with them and provide them with plenty of attention.

3. Golden Retrievers require proper training

Golden Retrievers are intelligent dogs that respond well to positive reinforcement training. They can be trained to perform a wide range of tasks, including obedience training, agility training, and even therapy dog training. If you are considering a Golden Retriever, be prepared to invest time and effort in their training.

Check out the Best 7 Online Dog Training Programs here.

4. Golden Retrievers shed a lot

Golden Retrievers have a thick, double coat that sheds heavily twice a year. They require regular brushing to keep their coat healthy and to minimize shedding. If you are considering a Golden Retriever, be prepared to invest in a good quality brush and dedicate time to regular grooming.

5. Golden Retrievers are prone to certain health issues

Golden Retrievers are prone to certain health issues, including hip dysplasia, eye problems, and allergies. It is important to find a reputable breeder or rescue organization that screens their dogs for these conditions. Regular veterinary check-ups and proper nutrition can also help prevent health problems.

6. Golden Retrievers need a nutritious diet

Golden Retrievers require a balanced and nutritious diet to maintain their health and energy levels. It is important to choose a high-quality dog food that meets their nutritional needs. Avoid feeding your Golden Retriever table scraps or human food, as this can lead to obesity and other health problems.

7. Golden Retrievers love to play fetch

Golden Retrievers have a natural instinct to retrieve, and they love to play fetch. This can be a great way to bond with your dog and provide them with exercise and mental stimulation. Be prepared to invest in plenty of toys and to spend time playing with your Golden Retriever.

8. Golden Retrievers are prone to separation anxiety

Golden Retrievers are social animals and can suffer from separation anxiety if left alone for long periods of time. If you work long hours or travel frequently, consider hiring a dog walker or pet sitter to spend time with your Golden Retriever during the day.

9. Golden Retrievers need socialization

Golden Retrievers need to be socialized from a young age to prevent behavior problems later in life. Socialization involves exposing your Golden Retriever to a variety of people, animals, and environments. Puppy classes and obedience training can be a great way to socialize your Golden Retriever.

10. Golden Retrievers are intelligent dogs

Golden Retrievers are intelligent dogs that enjoy learning new things. They respond well to positive reinforcement training and enjoy activities that challenge their minds. Consider enrolling your Golden Retriever in obedience classes, agility training, or even canine sports like dock diving or flyball.

11. Pet insurance is important for Golden Retrievers

Golden Retrievers are prone to certain health issues that can be expensive to treat. Pet insurance can help offset the cost of veterinary care, including surgeries and medications. Before bringing home a Golden Retriever, research pet insurance options and consider purchasing a policy to protect your pet and your wallet.

Tip: This free tool lets you compare pet insurance prices across all the major carriers.

12. Golden Retrievers are a long-term commitment

Golden Retrievers are a long-term commitment that requires time, effort, and money. They can live up to 12 years or longer, and during that time, they will require proper nutrition, regular exercise, veterinary care, and attention. Before bringing home a Golden Retriever, make sure you are prepared to provide for them for the long haul.

13. Make Sure These Products Are On Your Shopping List!

Bringing home a new Golden Retriever can be overwhelming, so we compiled a comprehensive list of every product you’ll need for your new Golden Retriever here.


FAQs for First-Time Golden Retriever Owners

1. How much exercise does a Golden Retriever need?

Golden Retrievers require at least 30 to 60 minutes of exercise per day. This can include walks, runs, games of fetch, or other activities that provide physical and mental stimulation.

2. What is the best way to groom a Golden Retriever?

Golden Retrievers require regular brushing to keep their thick coat healthy and to minimize shedding. Use a slicker brush to remove loose fur and a comb to detangle any knots or mats. Bathe your Golden Retriever every 2 to 3 months or as needed, using a mild dog shampoo.

3. How can I prevent my Golden Retriever from developing separation anxiety?

To prevent separation anxiety, provide your Golden Retriever with plenty of socialization and attention. Hire a dog walker or pet sitter to spend time with them during the day if you work long hours. Provide them with plenty of toys and mental stimulation, such as puzzle toys or Kong toys filled with treats.

4. Should I purchase pet insurance for my Golden Retriever?

Yes, pet insurance can be a valuable investment for Golden Retriever owners. Golden Retrievers are prone to certain health issues that can be expensive to treat. Pet insurance can help offset the cost of veterinary care and provide peace of mind.

5. How can I train my Golden Retriever?

Golden Retrievers respond well to positive reinforcement training. Use treats, praise, and rewards to encourage good behavior and discourage bad behavior. Consider enrolling your Golden Retriever in obedience classes or other training programs to help them learn new skills and to provide socialization.

6. What is the best way to socialize my Golden Retriever?

Socialization involves exposing your Golden Retriever to a variety of people, animals, and environments. Puppy classes, obedience training, and regular outings to parks or other public places can help socialize your Golden Retriever. Start socializing your Golden Retriever from a young age to prevent behavior problems later in life.

In conclusion, Golden Retrievers make wonderful pets, but they require proper care, attention, and training. By understanding their needs and investing time and effort in their care, you can enjoy a happy and fulfilling relationship with your Golden Retriever for many years to come.

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