You know that certain”people” foods can be toxic to dogs, but what about other items you may have in your cabinets, garage, or yard? You wouldn’t think they’d want to consume things like laundry detergent or kerosene, but it only takes one time for your pup’s curiosity to potentially turn deadly.
You can’t watch them every second, so always keep these products safely tucked away from prying paws!
Dr. Kristen Vance, veterinarian and owner of Homeward Bound Mobile Vet shared 15 common household items that are toxic to dogs. Luckily, with a little foresight, accidental poisonings can be prevented by stowing these items well out of reach of your pup!
#1 –Tylenol
Acetaminophen, the active ingredient in Tylenol can be extremely toxic to dogs, potentially causing irreversible liver damage or even death. Do not give your dog any medications intended for humans without first checking with your vet.

#2 – Chocolate
You probably know that this is toxic to dogs, as it can cause increased heart rate and GI distress. But beware! People are now using cocoa as a mulch in their gardens.

#3 – Batteries
The acid in batteries can cause severe ulcers in the mouth, and even rupture the esophagus. Make sure you keep them and things containing batteries out of your dog’s reach.

#4 – Laundry Detergents
Detergents can also cause ulcers in the mouth and stomach. The new pods are very dangerous as detergent can burst into a pet’s mouth. The fun shape makes them very appealing to pups, plus they often come in sweet or fruity scents!

#5 – Antifreeze
Antifreeze causes kidney damage in dogs. Be careful about allowing your dog to drink any water outside, it could contain antifreeze or other harmful run-offs.

#6 – Fertilizers
Many chemicals in fertilizers can be toxic to dogs. After using fertilizer, keep pets off the lawn until after a good rain. Watch for signs that indicate fertilizer in places you walk, and if you aren’t sure, avoid that area.

#7 – Bleach
Bleach can cause severe irritation to the mucous membranes of a dog’s gums, burns to the stomach, and other issues. It can even be fatal without urgent veterinary attention.

#8 – Toilet Bowl Cleaners
Like most cleaners, these are potentially toxic to your dog. They contain all sorts of chemicals that can cause GI ulcers. It’s more than just keeping the cleaner out of reach, keep the toilet lid shut so your dog can’t drink out of it, either.

#9 – Xylitol
Most of us know that xylitol is found in sugar-free chewing gum and candies and that it’s toxic. But did you know people are starting to cook with it? Look for it as an ingredient in food as well–sometimes it can even be found in peanut butter.

#10 – Kerosene
Kerosene can be life-threatening. It will cause your dog to appear drunk and have difficulty breathing.

#11 – Easter Lilies
These beautiful flowers can cause deadly renal failure. It’s best to opt for fake ones.

#12 – Onions and Chives
These common ingredients are all toxic to dogs. They cause blood disorders and GI upset. Don’t share foods that contain these with your dogs.

#13 – Rodenticides
If your dog gets into rodent killer, it can cause serious clotting disorders and can be deadly. This can also occur if a dog eats a mouse or rat that has ingested the poison.

#14 – Sago Palms
These beautiful, ornamental plants are in a lot of gardens, but they can cause life-threatening liver failure in your dog. If you’re a pet parent, it’s best not to have one of these in your yard.

#15 – Nicotine
Nicotine causes life-threatening tremors and seizures in dogs. Keep your cigarettes, gum, patches, etc. well out of your dog’s reach.