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15 Unmistakable Signs That You’re An Overprotective Dog Owner

| Published on April 8, 2015

April 19 is National Pet Owners Day and April 26 is National Pet Parent’s Day. In honor of these holidays we want to know – are you an overprotective dog owner? And we mean this in the BEST sense –  we LOVE our dogs like family so of course we want to protect them. So if these 15 signs sounds familiar, we salute you for keeping your dog happy, loved and safe.

#1 – You stress about leaving your dog home alone, even just for five minutes.

Image source: @ScottWilson via Flickr
Image source: @ScottWilson via Flickr

#2 – Your dog is licensed, chipped, tagged and is registered with a company like Save This Life so he can be “Googled” should he get lost.

Image source: @MichelleTribe via Flickr
Image source: @MichelleTribe via Flickr

#3 – Vacation? Not without your dog! And if you must, a friend comes to stay with your dog – no way would you trust him to strangers.

Image source: @JoshuaDeLung via Flickr
Image source: @JoshuaDeLung via Flickr

#4 – Dog parks are also out of the question – you don’t know if those other dogs have been vaccinated or are friendly. You prefer getting together with your friends’ dogs – all of whom are vaccinated.

Image source: @DonDeBold via Flickr
Image source: @DonDeBold via Flickr

#5 – You check the ingredients before you buy anything for your dog. Some you even taste test.

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#6 – You know exactly how much your dog weighs.

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#7 – You not only when your dog last went to the bathroom, but you know color and consistency.

Image source: @TarotheShibaInu via Flickr
Image source: @TarotheShibaInu via Flickr

#8 – You know by heart all the human foods that are toxic to dogs.

Image source: @LeeMcCoy via Flickr
Image source: @LeeMcCoy via Flickr

#9 – You take your dog to the vet at the first sign of any issue – just in case.

Image source: @JosephNorth via Flickr
Image source: @JosephNorth via Flickr

#10 – You have a pet first-aid kit in all your bathrooms.

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#11 – You have a security camera in your house so you can make sure your dog is not doing anything dangerous while you are at work.

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#12 –You have provided for your dog in your will.

Image source: @normanack via Flickr
Image source: @normanack via Flickr

#13 – Your backyard contains none of the toxic plants listed on the ASPCA site.

Image source: @DanHarrelson via Flickr
Image source: @DanHarrelson via Flickr

#14 –You have the emergency vet as a favorite on your smartphone.

Image source: @JacobBotter via Flickr
Image source: @JacobBotter via Flickr

#15 –Your house is baby-proofed, to make sure your dog does not get into anything harmful.

Image source: @Pacificbro via Flickr
Image source: @Pacificbro via Flickr

April 19 is National Pet Owners Day and April 26 is National Pet Parent’s Day. In honor of these holidays we want to know – are you an overprotective dog owner? And we mean this in the BEST sense –  we LOVE our dogs like family so of course we want to protect them. So if these 15 signs sounds familiar, we salute you for keeping your dog happy, loved and safe.

#1 – You stress about leaving your dog home alone, even just for five minutes.

Image source: @ScottWilson via Flickr
Image source: @ScottWilson via Flickr

#2 – Your dog is licensed, chipped, tagged and is registered with a company like Save This Life so he can be “Googled” should he get lost.

Image source: @MichelleTribe via Flickr
Image source: @MichelleTribe via Flickr

#3 – Vacation? Not without your dog! And if you must, a friend comes to stay with your dog – no way would you trust him to strangers.

Image source: @JoshuaDeLung via Flickr
Image source: @JoshuaDeLung via Flickr

#4 – Dog parks are also out of the question – you don’t know if those other dogs have been vaccinated or are friendly. You prefer getting together with your friends’ dogs – all of whom are vaccinated.

Image source: @DonDeBold via Flickr
Image source: @DonDeBold via Flickr

#5 – You check the ingredients before you buy anything for your dog. Some you even taste test.

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#6 – You know exactly how much your dog weighs.

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#7 – You not only when your dog last went to the bathroom, but you know color and consistency.

Image source: @TarotheShibaInu via Flickr
Image source: @TarotheShibaInu via Flickr

#8 – You know by heart all the human foods that are toxic to dogs.

Image source: @LeeMcCoy via Flickr
Image source: @LeeMcCoy via Flickr

#9 – You take your dog to the vet at the first sign of any issue – just in case.

Image source: @JosephNorth via Flickr
Image source: @JosephNorth via Flickr

#10 – You have a pet first-aid kit in all your bathrooms.

Image source:
Image source:

#11 – You have a security camera in your house so you can make sure your dog is not doing anything dangerous while you are at work.

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Image source:

#12 –You have provided for your dog in your will.

Image source: @normanack via Flickr
Image source: @normanack via Flickr

#13 – Your backyard contains none of the toxic plants listed on the ASPCA site.

Image source: @DanHarrelson via Flickr
Image source: @DanHarrelson via Flickr

#14 –You have the emergency vet as a favorite on your smartphone.

Image source: @JacobBotter via Flickr
Image source: @JacobBotter via Flickr

#15 –Your house is baby-proofed, to make sure your dog does not get into anything harmful.

Image source: @Pacificbro via Flickr
Image source: @Pacificbro via Flickr

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