Do you dream of spending all day with dogs but grudgingly have to go to work instead? Why not combine the two and get paid for what you love – Dogs!
#1 –Animal Control Officer
Want to help animals live better and bring to justice those who do not provide a good life for their animals? Than this is the job for you. Requirements for becoming a Humane Law Enforcement worker vary state to state, buy you can find some general information on the ASPCA’s website.
#2 – Rescue Worker
While a lot of jobs in rescue are volunteer, there are paid jobs with larger associations such as your local SPCA or Humane Society. Nothing better than helping a dog get a new leash on life.
#3 – Photographer
Being able to capture the “essence” of someone’s beloved dog in a picture that will last forever is a wonderfully filling job. And yes, there are people that specialize in only pet photography. It’s the best job because you get to play with all those dogs before and after the session!
#4 – Psychologist
Pet psychologists are more widely known as animal behavior experts. You get to help dogs work through many of the issues that might result in them being dumped at the shelter. It’s a rewarding job, but also a hard one because you have to deal with the owners’ emotions and that can sometimes be the hardest part. Most people in the field have advanced degrees in animal behavior, biology and/or psychology. Check out Dr. Sophia Yin’s website for more information.
#5 – Artist
Do you paint, sketch, felt, make jewelry, or sculpt? Use your creative talents to make custom pieces for dog lovers. People love getting something that is made to look like their dog or represent their breed. Not only do you get to be around dogs, but you get to spend your days being creative, which is an amazing job, too.
#6 – Physical Therapist
Unless you have used one, you may not have even known this career existed. Just like a human physical therapist, you will help dogs recouping from injuries or owners of canine athletes who want to help prevent injuries. Learn more at The Canine Rehabilitation Institute’s website.
#7 – Show Handler
Have you ever watched Westminster or Crufts? Many of those handlers in the ring are paid professionals. It takes a lot of time, dedication and training to become a top handler, but if you do, you can get paid handsomely to show off those stunning dogs. And the best way to start is with your own dog!
#8 – Animal Communicator
Pet communicators or “pet psychics” are people that seem to have a sixth sense when it comes to knowing how dogs are feeling and what may be causing them to act the way they do. Many people turn to them when other behavioral therapies haven’t worked. Learn how to become a certified animal communicator, through Assisi International, here.
#9 – Writer
If you love writing and dogs, there are many opportunities for you. You can start your own blog, write for the many pet-related outlets, pen a novel or work in public relations and marketing. Whatever you decide, you will have fun writing about a topic that truly interests you.
#10 – Service Dog Trainer
This might be the best job on this list because you not only get to work with dogs, but you are helping people live better lives too. First, you will need to become a dog trainer, getting certified through the Certification Council for Professional Dog Trainers is a good start. Then, contact the organization you wish to work for and find out what kind of experience they want you to have before you apply. You may even be able to start working as a volunteer first.
#11 – Arson Dog Handler
These teams investigate fire scenes to determine cause of fires, namely if it was arson. The handler (you) would have to be a law enforcement officer first, and then you get specialized training to investigate fire scenes. Pretty cool job. Learn more here.
#12 – Animal Rights Lawyer
If you have been thinking about law school and love dogs, here is a great career choice. While in school, start developing relationships with the big animal rights groups such as Animal Defense Fund, In Defense of Animals and The Humane Society of The United States, so you have contacts when it’s time to look for a job or clients. You can learn more here.
#13 – K-9 Police Officer
Another job in law enforcement is the K-9 Unit. Again, once in law enforcement you do need to get specialized training but it’s a rewarding job and there are many different units with the K9-patrol such as bomb or drug detection and patrol.
#14 – Dog Massage Therapist
Like physical therapy, you may not have realized this job was a possibility, but it is! In fact, many massage schools now have programs especially for equine and canine massage. Check out Bancroft School of Massage Therapy to get an idea about the programs available.
#15 – Celebrity Dog Owner
Have a dog that just loves the camera? Are you good with social media? Then you have the makings of a star! Get a few thousand followers on YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, etc., and you could be on your way to product deals, endorsements and appearances! Want career advice? Check out Michele Ryan’s website.