If you or someone you know recently lost their pit bull, our hearts go out to you! We believe our fur-babies may be gone, but they will always be with us in our hearts. ❤️
We asked the members of our I Love My Pit Bull community on Facebook the following question: For those of you who have lost a pup, would you mind sharing what you’ve done? We received hundreds of amazing responsoes along with photos. We’ve highlighted some of the most unique pit bull memorial ideas below.
20 Heartfelt Memorial Ideas for Your Pit Bull, from our Pit Bull Community
I had by girl cremated and got this container for her ashes. It has room for her name and a saying on the plaque. She was a red heeler/pit cross and the most wonderful dog. I had to have her put to sleep when she wasn’t quite 3 because of cancer
Author: Nita H.
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This is the memorial we did for our sweet boy, Maui. It’s hanging in our living room right above where he used to sleep. We miss him so much!
Author: Lisa K.
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Paws ParadiseKillen, Texas
Author: Red B.
Likes: 4
A painting and his paw print We also planted a plant in his favorite part of the yard…Oh how we miss our Roscoe
Related: Post a FREE Memorial for Your Dog
Author: Sue P.
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Favorite toys, 7 years of tags, her last collar, leash and plaster paw print the day before we lost her.
Author: William M.
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My Baby Boy Hercules ashes are in the stuffed animal. Cut the back open took out some cotton and sewed it back up. It’s a heavy stuffed animal
Author: Andrew Joshua S.
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I live in Vegas and went with Lap of Love they come to your house with a gernie and the whole family was there and said their goodbyes. They sent footprints, fur, pictures, and her ashes.
Author: Kathy J.
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I had my dogs ashes put into blown glass. It’s so much prettier in person.
Author: Kirsten T.
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Got got the outline of my boy’s ears and his paw print tattooed.
Author: Britney P.
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I had a book done of every picture of him and a huge canvas of his last photo. I keep his water bowl, collar and his toy with his box of ashes.
Author: Rachael W.
Likes: 15
For my Pittie Mala.She lived for 15 years.
Author: Gabriel W.
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We had them both cremated and they are buried in our memorial garden. We miss them both so much
Author: Terry Ann Garrett S.
Likes: 57
Printed a picture of the day before he passed and stamped his paw prints . Gave one to each of our 4 kids and 1 for us.
Author: Stacy A C.
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This one got cracked in transit but I kept it and glued it back together. They replaced the granite stone very quickly. You send the pic of your dog you want etched on it. This is of course my yorkie, not my pit bull. Im blessed that they are still with me. This also comes with a base to stand it up. I think I paid $96 for it. I will put pic of his grave in comments.
Author: Shirlee L.
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I have a silver locket with fur of all my past fur babies
Author: Conni C.
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I had a painting of her done.. she was the most amazing girl. It’s been 10 years.. still the best dog I’ve ever had.
Author: Kerry Q.
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My daughter had this made for me when we lost our precious girl Shelby on 5/5/22 still hurts as if it was just yesterday
Author: Tonia G.
Likes: 17
For my boy Drizzy “ you were my favorite hello, and my hardest goodbye”
Author: Cheri W.
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Even got her little Beauty mark
Author: Milissa A.
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I have a corner set up with his urn, favorite toy, a plaque that looks just like him and a candle I received
Author: Cassidy P.
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