1. New Guinea Singing Dog

These dogs look like foxes and they’re not suitable as pets at home because they’re said to be wild. But honestly, my first reaction: “Can these dogs really sing?” What do you think? Comment your answers!
2. Catahoula Leopard Dog

This breed hails from Louisiana and is known for hunting. So I guess spots are not exclusive for Dalmatians breed. Leave a comment to tell us what you think about these leopard dogs!
3. Six-toed Norweigan Lundehund

Looks like an ordinary dog? Think again! This dog has 6 toes on each foot, can turn his head backwards and is extremely flexible! What do you think about that? Leave a comment!
4. Azawakh

Looks like this dog has a body built for speed! Azawakh falls on the greyhound breed and is known for hunting gazelles in Africa. Any comments about this breed? Share it in the comment section!
5. Split-nosed Catalburun
That’s no deformity; that’s how a Catalburun’s nose naturally and normally looks like! They are said to have the strongest sense of smell among hunter breeds. Kinda funky huh? Tell us what you think of them! Leave a comment!
6. Peruvian Inca Orchid
This is probably the strangest-looking dog breed I’ve ever seen! Notice the mohawk! Pretty cute, right? Folklore says hugging this dog can alleviate asthma and stomach pain! Any thoughts on that? Share it by leaving a comment!
7. Stabyhoun

This breed is a mix of a pointer and retriever. Sources say there are only around 100 Stabyhouns in the US. My observation, they look kinda like Border Collies. What do you think? Leave a comment!
8. Dhole
The Dhole, is an Asian Wild Dog, also called as the Indian Wild Dog. Before there were a lot of them, but now they are considered as endangered. They say there are only less than 2500 Dholes in the wild.
9. Belgian Laekenois

The Belgian Laekenois is a rare Belgian breed. They are not even recognized in the US and are not officially recognized by the AKC, having them classified under the “Miscellaneous Class”.
10. Hovawart

The Hovawart looks like a cross of a Rottweiler and a Golden Retriever. They were almost extinct in the 13th century!
11. Lancashire Heeler

The Lancashire Heeler looks like a Corgi and Doberman mix, right?
They are considered as a vulnerable breed. In 2007 there were only 146 of them registered in the UK.
12. Swedish Lapphund

The Swedish Lapphund, obviously, is from Sweden. They are considered as rare because there are only 1200 of them in the world.
13. Xoloitzcuintli

The Xoloitzcuintli (pronounced Sho-lo-eets-quint-lee), is also known as the Mexican Hairless Dog. These dogs are an old breed, worshiped by the Aztecs.
14. Caucasian Ovcharka

The Caucasian Ovcharka, also known as the Caucasian Shepherd Dog, originates from Russia. They are hunting dogs who are large and intelligent as well!
15. Czechoslovakian Vlcak

The Czechoslovakian Wolfdog is mix of German Shepherds and Carpathian wolves. They were bred around the 1950’s.
16. Kai Ken
These dogs are from Japan. And they are extremely rare even in their country! They are known to be the oldest and purest dog breed in their country.
17. Bracco Italiano

Otherwise known as the Italian Pointer, these dogs are a cross between a German Shorthaired Pointer and a Bloodhound.
18. Estrela Mountain Dog

The Estrela Mountain dog is the oldest dog breed in Portugal. They are good in herding and guarding homes. They almost became extinct in the 1970’s.
19. Wirehaired Vizsla

This dog originated from Hungary. They are excellent hunting dogs and are also good family dogs!
20. Slovak Cuvac

This mountain dog breed is used for guarding livestock. The Slovak Cuvac is a good watchdog, shepherd, and a great companion as well!
21. Bergamasco Shepherd

Doesn’t this doggy’s hair look like dreadlocks? This breed almost became extinct after the World War II when there was a decline in wool production. Luckily, Dr. Maria Andreoli, an Italian breeder managed to save the breed!
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