Whether you own a Pembroke Welsh Corgi or a Cardigan Welsh Corgi, your house is surely filled with laughter and love. They are happy-go-lucky dogs that make you smile just with their looks (we dare to you look at a Corgi’s ears and not smile!). Owners want to make sure their Corgis have a long and happy life with as few health issues as possible. The following are three ways to keep your Corgi happy and healthy.

#1 – Give Her A Job
Being a herding breed, Corgis like a job. Giving them something to do really does make them happy. Plus, a bored Corgi is more like to chew on things, bark at nothing, or chase the cat, so giving them something to do, such as trick training or herding, makes everyone’s life better.
#2 – Watch His Back
One of the Corgi’s main health issues is their back. Their long spine often spells trouble and they are also are prone to hip issues. You can help yours out by making sure they do not jump off high places (including the couch and your bed) and do not trip down stairs or make tight turns–especially on slippery surfaces. It’s also a good idea to take your Corgi to the vet and have his legs check out. Early detection can prevent worse problems later on and let you know the limitations of your dog’s body.
#3 – Spend Time With Her
Corgis love their people just as much as they love attention. To make yours happy, all you really need to do is spend time with her, which comes naturally. In fact, it will probably make you happier, too.