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3 Ways To Keep Your Yorkie Happy & Healthy

| Published on December 10, 2016

Your Yorkshire Terrier provides you with love, companionship, and an endless supply of humor with her quirky personality. And it’s only natural that you want to make sure you are giving her top-notch care in return. From good food to lots of love, we are sure yours is one spoiled Yorkie. But if you are looking for a few more ways to ensure she is getting the best care possible, the following are 3 ways to keep your Yorkie live a happy and healthy life.


#1 – Keep Her Well Groomed

Yorkshire Terrier hair easily tangles and can become a mess very quickly. Once a mat forms, it can be very hard to get out. Mats lead to all kinds of issues, including hot spots and maggots – yuck! Routine grooming is essential to keeping your Yorkie happy and healthy.

#2 – Get Regular Dentals

With small heads come small mouths and that can lead to dental issues. Many Yorkies, especially the teeny tiny ones, have trouble with crowded teeth, which means more plaque and tartar build up. Help your Yorkie stay healthy by making sure you are getting him routine dental cleanings.

#3 – Use a Harness

Yorkshire Terriers are prone to collapsing tracheas. Collars, especially choke and prong, can cause severe damage to your Yorkie’s neck and trachea. A well-fitted, v-neck harness that allows shoulder movement and cradles the spine is a much better choice to keep your Yorkie both happy and healthy.

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