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33 Funny & Unique Dachshund Names (with PICS!)

By: Justin Palmer
Justin Palmer is a Certified Pet Food Nutrition Specialist and co-founder of Inspired by his rescued husky, Splash, he dedicated himself to learning about extending both the length and quality of her life. Splash lived and thrived until 18 years old, and now Justin is on a mission to share what he learned with other dog owners.Read more
| April 12, 2022

Looking for an usual, funny or unique name for your dachshund puppy? Whether you’re looking for a male dachshund name or female dachshund name, we think you’ll find some great options below. Plus some adorable bonus pics!

Special thanks to members of our I Love My Dachshund community for submitting these dachshund name ideas!

33 Unusual, Creative & Humorous Dachshund Names Ideas

This is Farrah Pawcett. She came with her name from the shelter. It fits her perfectly because she is the most beautiful girl 💕 – Dachshund Name submitted by: Rae


My family likes to name their dogs after Gods so we had a Hercules! When we walked him and called out his name people would laugh because he such a small dog with a big personality. Hercules fit him. – Dachshund Name submitted by: Shannon

This is my daughters baby, he is a chiweenie. His named is “Bratwurst”. My 2 year old grandson calls him Bob. – Dachshund Name submitted by:  Marie 

My youngest daughter got this puppy when she turned 5- and named her Red Heart Rainbow Glitter Sparkle Unicorn Molly Polly Louisa Brown. I kid you not. We call her Molly❤️ – Dachshund Name submitted by: Stina

This is, Vinny aka Vienna Hot dog. He was named after our famous Chicago hot dog staple. He’s the sweetest lil guy and we love him dearly. – Dachshund Name submitted by: Jeanie

This is our sweet boy Mr. Noodle aka Noodle, Noods, noodle doodle, etc. named after Elmo’s sidekick on Sesame Street and well, a spaghetti noodle. He also has his own hashtags #SendNoods and #DailyNoodsDachshund Name submitted by: Lindsay

This is my Hopper! Named because he always “hops” before he starts walking anywhere. Two little hops. He is the sweetest. ❤ – Dachshund Name submitted by: Jeannete

This was our Reeses Peanut Butter Cup. He was the sweetest and we lost him a year ago and are still heartbroken. Miss our sweet boy so much!💔❤️🐾  – Dachshund Name submitted by: Denise

This is Tootsie Roll. I call her Tootsie or Tootsie Girl. She just recently recovered from a back injury. She’s going on 5 years old and I’ve had her since she was a puppy ❤ – Dachshund Name submitted by: Matilda

This is Gus Gus, like the chunky mouse on Cinderella. He’s our sweet 5 month old wire haired boy! – Dachshund Name submitted by: Aimee

This is Buffy aka Buffy the badger slayer. She just turned 10 weeks. Her name seems to suit her as she can be vicious with her sharp puppy teeth. – Dachshund Name submitted by: Alison

This is Dixicupp. I first named her Dixi but she was so cute and so tiny just like a little Dixie Cup! The name stuck, she’s my little Dixicupp. – Dachshund Name submitted by: Laurie

This is Elroy. He also known as Bubs or snuggle butts. – Dachshund Name submitted by: Kate

This is Maple Bacon 🥓 🥓🥓 Because her human momma loves Maple Bacon. – Dachshund Name submitted by: Heather
My little girl’s name is. “NuForest Baroness Kinky von Twinkles”. We call her “Twinkles”. She was born with a kink in her tail. 😃 – Dachshund Name submitted by: Margie
This is Fancy. Our granddaughter thought her rhinestone collar was diamonds and said she must be a Fancy dog! – Dachshund Name submitted by: Susie
We named him “Burglar”, because he would steal your heart. Plus it was funny when we would yell for him, people would turn around thinking there was a Burglar near by 😂😂 – Dachshund Name submitted by: Carrie
This was our Bindi. We named her after Bindi Irwin (Jungle Girl). Unfortunately our girl crossed the rainbow bridge this past January..she was 1 week from her 14th birthday. We miss her terribly. – Dachshund Name submitted by: Shelli
Sadie Belle, 5yrs old, she loves pine cones and when she was really young she would wear hangers around her neck like a necklace. – Dachshund Name submitted by: Laura
This is Koi Nu, we call him Koi sweetest Rescue puppy ever. Two years old, he loves to stick his nose up yours and he is a snugglier  – Dachshund Name submitted by: Kathy
Jellybeans, because he looked like a Jellybean when he was born, he is my ♥️ – Dachshund Name submitted by:  Anita
Lilly Punkin
Pie bald mini doxie and we just love her! She’s the sixth doxie I’ve had.💗 – Dachshund Name submitted by: Ginnie
~Sassy Frass~ Couldn’t have chose a better name, for this Sassy little girl! – Dachshund Name submitted by: Doyelle
This is Fatoush the Dach! He is named after a middle eastern salad that is a fresh mix of various herbs and veggies. I wanted him to have a name that represents my culture but also his very unique coat and funky fresh personality! He gets called Toushey by the little humans who can’t yet pronounce hjs name and his close friends/family! – Dachshund Name submitted by: Melody
This is Bones… my brothers nickname when he was a paratrooper in the army. – Dachshund Name submitted by:  June
This is Toodle Lou…..when we call for her we always call ….”Ohh Tooooodles”. Gotta love Mickey Mouse!! – Dachshund Name submitted by: Joann
Toastie aka the Toaster because her coloring looked like burnt toast when she was a puppy! – Dachshund Name submitted by: Jessica 
This is Kevin he got his name from our favorite Christmas movie and he is always getting into mischief – Dachshund Name submitted by: Jennifer
This is Little Foot!! She is 12 years old! – Dachshund Name submitted by: Tina
Yoshi and Starbucks❤️
13 years old and the loves of my life. Grateful for these 2 love bugs everyday – Dachshund Name submitted by: Stacey
Please meet , from left to right – Miss Hunny, Senor Bandit and Mr Pickles 🥰 . Sadly only Miss Hunny is still with us , turning 14 this month. – Dachshund Name submitted by: Chris
His name was Frito and he was the best dog ever. Lost him almost 2 years ago 💔 – Dachshund Name submitted by: Jennifer

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