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4 Ways to Help Your Dogue de Bordeaux Fear of Fireworks This 4th of July

By: Arlene Divina
Arlene Divina, one of the content writers at IHD, loves going on adventures with her adorable fur baby. She now creates informative content for pet parents. Read more
| June 8, 2023

The fireworks that adorn the sky every 4th of July might dazzle us, but for our pets, particularly our Dogue de Bordeaux, this can be a highly distressing time. The loud noises, flashing lights, and vibrations can frighten even the bravest of dogs, inducing stress and anxiety. This is especially true for breeds like the Dogue de Bordeaux, known for their sensitive nature despite their formidable appearance. But, fear not! Here are four proven strategies, including the use of CBD oil, to help your Dogue de Bordeaux manage their fear of fireworks.

1. Create a Comfortable Retreat

As soon as the first firework goes off, your Dogue de Bordeaux will seek a safe and secure place to hide. Hence, preparing a safe haven for them in your home is the first step in managing their anxiety. This should be a quiet, dimly lit room where the noise of the fireworks is muffled. Close the windows, draw the curtains, and perhaps add some soft background music or use a white noise machine to help mask the outside noises.

Fill this room with your dog’s favorite toys and bedding, and consider adding an item of your clothing. Your scent can provide comfort and security for your dog during this stressful period.

2. Use Distraction and Desensitization Techniques

Distracting your Dogue de Bordeaux with their favorite game or toy can help them to focus on something other than the fireworks. You might also use this time to engage in a fun training session, offering treats and positive reinforcement to create positive associations with the noise.

Another useful technique is desensitization. This involves playing recorded firework noises at a low volume and gradually increasing the volume over time as your dog becomes accustomed to the noise. This should be done well before the 4th of July, starting several weeks in advance and always in conjunction with positive experiences for your dog, such as playtime or treats.

3. Introduce CBD Oil

One increasingly popular method for managing anxiety in dogs is the use of CBD (cannabidiol) oil. Derived from the hemp plant, CBD is a non-psychoactive compound that interacts with the endocannabinoid receptors in the brain, potentially helping to maintain balance in the body and promote a state of calm.

CBD oil may be beneficial in reducing your Dogue de Bordeaux’s anxiety and stress during fireworks. It’s important to choose a product specifically formulated for dogs and to follow the dosage instructions carefully. Always start with a lower dose and monitor your dog’s response before gradually increasing it if necessary.

Please note that while many dog owners report the positive effects of CBD oil, scientific research is ongoing, and it may not be suitable for all dogs. Always consult with your vet before introducing a new supplement to your dog’s diet, especially if your Dogue de Bordeaux is on other medications or has any existing health conditions.

You can learn more about the CBD that the iHeartDogs team uses and recommends here. 

4. Consult a Professional

If your Dogue de Bordeaux’s fear of fireworks is severe, don’t hesitate to seek professional help. A certified animal behaviorist or a vet who specializes in behavioral issues can provide you with additional, personalized strategies to help your dog cope. In some cases, prescription anti-anxiety medication may be necessary.

The 4th of July fireworks don’t have to be a source of stress for your Dogue de Bordeaux. With empathy, understanding, and a little preparation, you can help your beloved pet navigate this challenging time. Remember that every dog is unique, and what works best for one may not work for another. Be patient, and you’ll find the right approach for your pet. Your Dogue de Bordeaux’s well-being and comfort are the ultimate goals.

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