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4 Ways to Help Your Old English Sheepdog’s Fear of Fireworks This 4th of July

Written by: Arlene D.
| Published on June 8, 2023

The Old English Sheepdog is a breed renowned for its intelligence, adaptability, and affectionate nature. However, the sensory overload caused by the loud noises and bright lights of fireworks can induce anxiety in even the most sturdy and confident of these dogs. Here, we discuss four effective strategies to help your Old English Sheepdog overcome their fear of fireworks.

1. Provide a Safe and Comfortable Haven

One of the most effective ways to manage your Old English Sheepdog’s fear is to offer them a calm and secure place where they can retreat during the fireworks. Known for their sociability and love of cozy spaces, these dogs will appreciate having a sanctuary.

Designate a quiet room, a crate (if they are crate-trained), or a familiar corner as their safe spot. Make this area comfortable with their favorite toys, a soft bed, and a piece of your clothing. Draw the curtains and dim the lights to minimize the visual impact of the fireworks, and consider using a white noise machine or playing calming music to muffle the noise.

2. Implement Desensitization Techniques

Desensitization can be an effective way to help your dog adjust to the sounds of fireworks. It involves gradually exposing your dog to a low level of the noise that scares them, in this case, the sound of fireworks. Start by playing recordings of fireworks at a low volume during relaxed times, or when your dog is engaged in enjoyable activities like eating or playing.

As your Old English Sheepdog becomes less responsive to the sounds, gradually increase the volume. The goal is to help your dog associate the sound of fireworks with positive experiences instead of fear. Remember to take this process slowly and at a pace that your dog is comfortable with.

3. Use CBD Oil

CBD (cannabidiol) oil, derived from the hemp plant, is gaining attention for its potential calming properties in dogs. CBD interacts with your dog’s endocannabinoid system, which is responsible for regulating various functions, including stress response.

Unlike THC, which is the psychoactive compound in cannabis, CBD does not produce a “high” and can help to create a sense of calm in your dog. This can be beneficial for your Old English Sheepdog during the stressful fireworks display.

Choose a high-quality, organic CBD oil that is specifically formulated for pets, and start with a low dose. Monitor your dog’s reaction before adjusting the dosage if necessary. As always, consult with your veterinarian before introducing CBD oil or any new supplement into your dog’s diet.

You can learn more about the CBD that the iHeartDogs team uses and recommends here. 

4. Seek Professional Help

If your Old English Sheepdog’s fear of fireworks is severe and the methods mentioned above do not offer significant relief, it might be time to seek professional help. Certified dog behaviorists and trainers can provide personalized strategies to help manage your dog’s fear.

In extreme cases, a vet may recommend medication to manage anxiety. This should always be the last resort and administered under the guidance of a vet.

In conclusion, helping an Old English Sheepdog manage their fear of fireworks requires patience, understanding, and consistency. Each dog is unique, and what works for one may not necessarily work for another. By applying these strategies, you’re taking crucial steps to ensure a more relaxed and enjoyable Fourth of July for your whole family, including your beloved Old English Sheepdog.

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