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4 Ways to Help Your Sheltie’s Fear of Fireworks This 4th of July

By: Arlene Divina
Arlene Divina, one of the content writers at IHD, loves going on adventures with her adorable fur baby. She now creates informative content for pet parents. Read more
| June 8, 2023

Fireworks may represent celebration and jubilation for many of us, but for our furry friends like Shetland Sheepdogs, or Shelties, the bright lights and loud sounds are a cause for alarm and fear. So, how can you help your Sheltie deal with the fear of fireworks this coming 4th of July? Here are four effective strategies.

1. Preparation is Key

Preparation is always the first step. If possible, try to expose your Sheltie to the sounds of fireworks in a controlled environment. There are many soundtracks available online that mimic these sounds. Begin with low volume and for short periods, gradually increasing the intensity as your Sheltie becomes comfortable. Pairing this exposure with their favorite treats or playtime can help them create a positive association with the noise.

Keep in mind that Shelties are known for their keen sense of hearing, which is excellent for herding sheep but can make them more sensitive to loud noises. This process should be done slowly and carefully, and it’s essential to observe your dog’s reaction and make sure they are not showing signs of distress.

2. Create a Safe Haven

One of the most effective ways to help your Sheltie during fireworks is by creating a safe, comfortable space for them. This can be a room where the noise is muffled or a crate if they are crate-trained. Furnish this area with their favorite toys, a comfortable bed, and perhaps an article of your clothing. Having your scent can provide extra comfort for your dog.

It might also be beneficial to use a white noise machine or play soothing music to help mask the noise of the fireworks. Additionally, closing blinds and curtains can help reduce the visual stimuli that may also cause stress.

3. Use of CBD Oil

The use of Cannabidiol (CBD) oil for dogs has been gaining popularity due to its potential calming effects. CBD is a compound found in cannabis and hemp but doesn’t contain THC, the psychoactive ingredient that makes you “high.”

Several pet owners have reported that CBD oil has helped calm their dogs during stressful situations, such as fireworks. It is believed that CBD oil interacts with the endocannabinoid system, which is involved in maintaining balance in the body and can influence mood.

To administer CBD oil to your Sheltie, you can either place it directly into their mouth or mix it into their food. It’s crucial to follow the dosage instructions provided on the product. These are typically based on your dog’s weight and the concentration of CBD in the product.

While many pet owners have had positive experiences with CBD oil, keep in mind that scientific research is still ongoing, and results are not conclusive. Always consult with your vet before starting any new supplement regimen for your pet, especially if your Sheltie has a pre-existing condition or is currently on medication.

You can learn more about the CBD that the iHeartDogs team uses and recommends here. 

4. Consider Professional Help

If your Sheltie’s fear of fireworks is severe and not improving with these strategies, it might be worth seeking the advice of a professional. A certified animal behaviorist or a veterinarian can provide tailored advice based on your dog’s specific situation. They may also suggest medication in some cases where anxiety is extreme.

In conclusion, the fear of fireworks in dogs, particularly in sensitive breeds like Shelties, can be a significant source of stress. However, with careful preparation, the creation of a safe haven, the potential use of CBD oil, and consultation with professionals, it is possible to help your dog navigate this stressful event with less anxiety.

Always remember, each dog is unique, and what works best for your Sheltie may not work for others. Patience and understanding are paramount during these times. With the right approach, you can ensure that your Sheltie feels as safe and comfortable as possible during the 4th of July celebrations.

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