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43 Unique Boston Terrier Names [with PICS!]

By: Zyra Capalac
Zyra is a Special Project Coordinator of HomeLife Media and a writer for She has 3 dogs namely Skye, Luna, and one of them is a rescue, named Tesla.Read more
| September 21, 2022

Are you bringing up a new Boston Terrier and looking for a unique, original or funny Boston Terrier name? Whether you’re bringing home a new Boston Terrier puppy, or an older rescue dog, we’ve got some great name ideas shared by our I Love My Boston Terrier Facebook community.

We asked our community the following question: Does your Boston Terrier have a unique name? Share it below along with a pic! Below we’ve compiled some of the most unique name ideas for your new Boston Terrier.

43 Original Boston Terrier Puppy Name Ideas

My baby was found wandering in a neighborhood and turned over to the shelter. She only weighed FOUR pounds!!! She was on stray-hold for 10 days…very fragile-extremely underweight, grade 3/4 luxating patellas, and a UTI. At the end of the 10-day hold, she was turned over to Rescue to get her healthy. I immediately applied to adopt her and out of hundreds of inquiries, I was the chosen and lucky one to adopt her. The Rescue named her “Chicken Little.” I didn’t like it at first, but when I saw a video of her running to her foster mommy after being called “Chicken Little,” I knew I loved that name for her. “Chicken Little” it is!

Author: Frances Rogers W.

This is our beautiful girl Rowan. Rowan is a shrub that grows wild in Scotland & Ireland & it has bright red berries.

Author: Terrie D.

This was our girl Nevaeh. We rescued her from a terrible place where she was starved, beaten & they tried breeding her @ 9-10 months old. She was so thin & scared when we got her, but so gentle & loving. We named her Nevaeh, heaven backwards, because she was our little bit of heaven on 4 legs.

Author: Terrie D.

This is Buckeye. His full name is Buckeye Hamilton Beans. His second and third names are in honor of his predecessors. Buckeye was born on a Friday the 13th, and we thought about naming him Lucky but thought that might be tempting fate. So, we named him Buckeye since one of his dads is from Ohio, where buckeyes are said to be lucky. We call him Bucky for short.

Author: Tom H.

My name is Train! Sometimes they call me Chew Chew, but my name is really Train!

Author: Julie D.

Fenway~Cause a Boston needs a Boston Name!

Author: Lisa Thibeault H.

Beatrix Kiddo (Jones) named after the Bride character in Kill Bill. We call her Kiddo

Author: Jennifer Stover J.

My two deceased furbabies: Redweezie and Shaybird

Author: Vanessa G.

My old man who just passed was named Treble. and the young on is Viola. Two of my favorite passions. Boston’s and Music.

Author: Sara M.

I rescued one of my Bostons, at a shelter after Hurricane Charlie! The day I picked him up to take him home, Hurricane Ivan was supposed to hit SW Florida, but luckily didn’t, so I named him Ivan! He went on to live 16 1/4 loving years! Miss him every day! (picture is a few weeks before he crossed the Rainbow Bridge)!

Author: Rick B.

Minnie-Murphie and Jilly-Pepper

Author: Vanessa G.

Ozzy Pawsborne The prince of barkness.

Author: John M.

This is Rhino. He got his name by being the biggest pup and would use his nose to move the other pups out the way of mum.

Author: Sharon N.

Spokes and Sassenach (Sassy). We are a family that bicycles quite a bit – hence the name, Spokes. Sassenach is from the series Outlander, which is one of our favorite shows. Sassenach also struts with some sass and always sticks her tongue out at you, so we call her Sassy for short.

Author: Shari T.

Drake and Darcy but more often I call Darcy Diva ( blue ) and Drake Chubs (lilac)

Author: Deb V.

This is my 13 year old baby, Fonzy. Since the Boston is known as the American Gentleman, because it looks like they’re wearing a tuxedo. We decided that he’s wearing a white T-shirt and a black leather jacket, just like The Fonz. Aaaaaaaa!

Author: Amanda K.

Rudy Rutabaga we previously had a wonderful gentleman named Jack Daniels!

Author: Sharon H.

My boy’s name is Phantom, named after The Phantom Of The Opera with his half white face.

Author: Anthony Tyler W.

My girl Newt she was named after the little girl in the movie Aliens she was the best dog and I miss her dearly she passed away suddenly last year while I was pregnant with our son I wish she could have met him

Author: Ashly F.

Coal Anthony, Nixie Lynn, and Thomas Shelby.

Author: Alyssa M.

Judy Pudy, we call her JP. Named after my mom Judy, my Dad’s term of endearment to my mom has been “Judy Pudy!”

Author: Janine B.

Ciarán (pronounced Keeran) it means little dark one in Gaelic

Author: Kelly C.

His name is Prana. It means breath, considered as a life giving force.

Author: Jamie G.

Bossy- Because of his fabulous attitude

Author: Michelle Renee W.

Bradley O’Howl

Author: Doreen A W.

This is a baby picture of Quincy, he is our fifth Boston terrier.

Author: Lee Ann Vickers R.

Juri Mae. My name is “Calla” and “Juri” is Lily in Japanese…. So we together are “Calla Lily”. Her given name was “Suri” when I adopted her and I didn’t want to confuse her too much. She is 7 years young and I love her to pieces

Author: Calla W.

Darby Little, deceased and Tucker Bean, now 9.

Author: Heava A.

Nance’s Mavis Belle. Aka ‘little girl,’

Author: William S.

Meet Goo, His real name is Troy, but after having him for a while he is called Mr Magoo aka Goo (once you’ve been gooed you understand the name lol) also known as Monkey

Author: Pat T.


Author: Donny W.

Jimmy and Gretchen.

Author: Candice C.

This is Peppy. He is named after Pepe la pew

Author: Jamie R.

This is Stitch aka: Sir Poops Alot

Author: Sherry Hoff K.


Author: Gregory S.


Author: Jessie Breidinger S.

Luna Belle

Author: Shelley H.


Author: Lisa P.

Redfoo we call him Foo

Author: Crystal Riley M.

Her names is Gracie, but she is a demon puppy so we been calling her demon

Author: Robby M.

MR Jingles

Author: Juli Ferrell H.

Master Chief

Author: Amanda M.

Her real name is Delilah but we call her Fathead lol

Author: Rob S.

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