No matter how happy-go-lucky your Boston Terrier is, they all get stressed from time to time. Dogs do not show stress in the same way we do and some of their signs are easily missed or misinterpreted by us. While that’s not surprising since we aren’t born speaking “dog,” it can cause issues and even lead to fear biting. Learning how your Boston shows he is stressed is a key to being a good dog parent. Here are five signs your Boston Terrier is stressed.

#1 – Whale Eye
“Whale eye” is when the white in your dog’s eye – around the iris – is visible. With many Bostons, their eyes will actually bulge out. This is a definite sign that your Boston is stressed or anxious. However, some Bostons have eyes that protrude out more due to their face shape. Just be aware of what your Boston Terrier’s eyes look like when he is relaxed and happy so you can notice the change.
#2 – Whining
A stressed Boston will often whine. Some will pace, and some will stay in one spot. If your dog is whining and you know he doesn’t have to go outside to go potty, he may be stressed. Stress whining can turn into barking as well.
#3 – Cowering
Bostons who are stressed will often try and find a place to hide. They may cower at your feet with their body hunched over and ears down or try to hide under furniture. Some Boston Terriers may duck under their owner’s arm if they are being held.

#4 – Yawning
Yawning in humans is a strange thing that isn’t really understood. In dogs, yawning can actually mean they are stressed! Yawning is a way your Boston may try and relieve anxiety. So, if you see your Boston yawning – usually big and slow – check for stressors in the area.
#5 – Won’t Eat
If you train using positive reinforcement (or just happen to be feeding him) and your Boston Terrier is not interested in his food that he normally inhales, something is up. Barring any medical reasons, he is probably stressed or anxious. Change the environment so he is more comfortable and then he will eat.