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5 Tips For Taking Spectacular Photos Of Your Dog

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| Published on September 25, 2013

Are you looking to get great shots of your dog? Photographing dogs can be a little tricky at first, but with these five tips you’ll soon be on your way to photographing like a pro.

1. Get Down on His Level

That’s right – getting yourself down on your dog’s level will change the camera angle and bring out more realistic, detailed shots. Depending on the size of your dog, this may be easier said than done. If you have a very small dog, consider putting your dog up on a table for portrait sessions – just make sure he’s secure and doesn’t try to jump off. With larger breeds, you can crouch down or kneel down on the ground to get yourself at the right angle. Regardless of your dog’s breed, try to keep the camera at the level of the middle of your dog’s body – right around his chest height will give you good shots.

2. Get Good Lighting

Lighting is key in any photograph, and that includes photos of your dog. Late afternoon or early morning light can be most flattering, and will bring out the multiple colors of your dog’s coat. Remember not to shoot into direct sunlight (unless you’re looking for a starburst effect), and time your photo shoots so that you take advantage of the natural light. Natural light is more flattering and getting good shots will be easier when not dealing with the tricks of indoor lighting.

3. Make It Fun

Put your dog at ease by making photography time fun. Don’t try to go for a posed shot right away. Instead, give him some toys and shoot as he’s playing. If your dog loves to swim, take him to the pond and let him do what he enjoys most. There will be time for sitting, posed portraits later – get your dog used to and comfortable with the idea of your taking his picture first.

4. Enlist a Helper

If you follow tip #3, you may quickly find that it’s difficult to entertain your dog and work on getting a good shot. A helper can be invaluable to your photography – he or she can distract and play with your dog, allowing you to focus solely on your camera.

5. Watch Your Backgrounds

Nothing can ruin a great shot more than a poor background. When you’re looking to set up your shoot, keep an eye out for objects that could distract from your dog. Busy, cluttered backgrounds will complicate a photo and detract from your subject; keep backgrounds natural and plain if at all possible. A beach or a park can do this well; the same goes for a brick building side or a large stone wall.

So there you have it – tips to get you started. Remember, practice makes perfect – and don’t be afraid to try something new or unusual. Sometimes the best shots are ones that we never expect to get.


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