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5 Undeniable Signs Your Rottweiler Loves You

Written by: Arlene D.
| Published on May 19, 2023

Rottweilers, known for their strength and confidence, are often misunderstood due to their robust appearance. However, those who share their lives with these lovable giants know how affectionate, loyal, and loving they can be. A Rottweiler’s love may be more reserved than that of other breeds, but it’s no less profound. Here are five undeniable signs that your Rottweiler loves you.

  1. Unwavering Eye Contact

Unlike many other breeds, Rottweilers are comfortable maintaining eye contact. When your Rottie looks deeply into your eyes, they’re not challenging you. Instead, they are connecting with you on a profound level, showing their trust and love. This eye contact, sometimes referred to as “soft eyes,” signifies a deep emotional bond and is a sure sign of your Rottweiler’s love for you.

  1. Leaning In for Affection

Rottweilers have a signature move for showing their love – they lean on you. This endearing act of pressing their body against your legs or lounging with their weight on you is Rottie’s way of hugging. The Rottweiler lean is a sign of trust and love, their way of saying, “I love you, and I want to be close to you.”

  1. Protective Instinct

Rottweilers are known for their natural protective instincts. If your Rottie tends to position themselves between you and other people or dogs, it’s not necessarily a sign of aggression. More often than not, it’s their way of ensuring your safety, a testament to their deep love and loyalty.

  1. Relaxed and Calm Demeanor

Rottweilers are generally calm and relaxed around their loved ones. If your Rottweiler seems utterly at ease in your presence, it’s a clear sign they feel safe and loved. Their calm demeanor around you signifies their trust and their love for you.

  1. Enthusiastic Greetings

Does your Rottweiler greet you with an excited wiggle, a wagging tail, and perhaps even an endearing “Rottie rumble” (a unique sound some Rottweilers make when happy)? This enthusiastic greeting, no matter how short your time away, is a sign that your Rottweiler loves you and is overjoyed at your return.

Rottweilers may not be effusively affectionate, but their love is quiet, deep, and unwavering. They may not shower you with licks or jump into your lap (thankfully, considering their size), but they show their love in their unique ways.

Every lean into your legs, every soft look they give you, every protective stance they take, and every joyous greeting is their way of expressing love for you. A Rottweiler’s love is truly one of a kind, marked by depth, loyalty, and a profound bond that strengthens over time.

In essence, to love a Rottweiler and to be loved by one is an honor. Their love is not overly demonstrative but undeniably deep. It’s a quiet, protective, leaning-in kind of love that makes you realize that you have a faithful companion for life in your Rottweiler.

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