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7 Facts About Cane Corsos You Probably Didn’t Know

Written by: Arlene Divina
Arlene Divina, one of the content writers at IHD, loves going on adventures with her adorable fur baby. She now creates informative content for pet parents. Read more
| Published on May 17, 2023

Cane Corsos, renowned for their muscular bodies, powerful build, and loyal nature, are a breed steeped in history. Despite their growing popularity, there exist many intriguing aspects of these dogs that are less known. Here are seven surprising facts about Cane Corsos that may astonish even their ardent enthusiasts.

  1. Their Name Has an Interesting Origin

“Cane Corso” translates from Latin as “bodyguard dog.” “Cane” is Italian for dog, while “Corso” is derived from the Latin “Cohors,” meaning protector or guardian. This perfectly describes the Cane Corso’s historical role as a protector of the family and property, a role they still perform with remarkable dedication today.

  1. They Have a Roman Lineage

Cane Corsos descend from a lineage of dogs that dates back to Ancient Rome. These ancient dogs, known as “Canis Pugnax,” were war dogs used by the Roman military in combat and for guarding camps. Over time, these dogs evolved into two breeds, one of which is the modern Cane Corso.

  1. They Almost Went Extinct

Post-World War II changes in agricultural practices in Italy, coupled with urbanization, led to a significant decline in the breed’s population. By the 1970s, the Cane Corso was nearly extinct. Thanks to the efforts of a group of Italian enthusiasts who located the few remaining dogs and re-established the breed, we have the Cane Corso of today.

  1. They are a Multi-Talented Breed

Cane Corsos were bred to be versatile working dogs. Over the centuries, they’ve served as war dogs, guard dogs, hunting dogs (of large game like wild boar), and even farm dogs that helped in herding livestock and managing vermin. Their intelligence and eagerness to please make them capable of a wide range of roles.

  1. Cane Corsos Can Have Two Different Ear Styles

Traditionally, Cane Corsos were often seen with cropped ears, a practice intended to protect their ears during work or combat. Today, this practice is much less common, and more Cane Corsos are seen with their natural drop ears. It’s important to note that ear cropping is controversial and is banned or restricted in many countries.

  1. They Have Webbed Feet

This might come as a surprise, but Cane Corsos have webbed feet. The skin between their toes provides an increased surface area, making them effective swimmers and efficient diggers. This feature likely benefited their ancestors in their diverse roles.

  1. They are One of the Lightest Drooling Mastiffs

One of the characteristics often associated with mastiff-type breeds is excessive drooling. However, while the Cane Corso does belong to the mastiff family, they’re one of the lightest droolers among these breeds. Though individual variations exist, generally, they drool less than their counterparts like the English Mastiff or the Neapolitan Mastiff.

These fascinating, lesser-known facts about Cane Corsos enrich our understanding and appreciation for this historic and versatile breed. From their ancient Roman lineage to their brush with extinction, their multi-talented nature, and unique physical features, Cane Corsos certainly carry a surprising array of attributes. Their combination of strength, loyalty, and versatility, blended with their understated grace, makes them an impressive breed, both in physique and character.

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