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7 Facts About English Springer Spaniels You Probably Didn’t Know

Written by: Arlene D.
| Published on May 18, 2023

Recognized for their boundless energy and heartwarming temperament, English Springer Spaniels are a beloved breed. Yet, there are many intriguing aspects of this breed that are not commonly known. Here are seven surprising facts about English Springer Spaniels that might pique your interest.

  1. Origins of the Name

English Springer Spaniels get their name from their hunting style. These dogs were used to “spring” or startle game birds into the air, making them easier targets for hunters. Even today, many English Springer Spaniels still possess this instinct to flush birds from their hiding spots.

  1. Dual Types

Unbeknownst to many, English Springer Spaniels come in two types: Bench (show) and Field (working). While both types make great pets, Field Springers are often smaller with shorter coats and higher energy levels, while Bench Springers have longer coats and a more laid-back personalities.

  1. Impressive Sniffers

English Springer Spaniels have an incredibly sharp sense of smell, ranking only behind Bloodhounds and Basset Hounds. This trait makes them exceptional working dogs in various fields, including drug detection and search-and-rescue operations.

  1. They Are Exceptional Swimmers

English Springer Spaniels are naturally great swimmers, thanks to their water-resistant coats and webbed feet. Historically, this trait was useful for retrieving waterfowl during hunts. Today, many Springers still enjoy a good swim whenever they get the chance.

  1. Notable Historical Presence

The English Springer Spaniel’s history can be traced back to the Renaissance period. They often appear in literature and artworks from this time, suggesting that the breed has been a favorite for centuries.

  1. They Shed…Seasonally

Contrary to the belief that English Springer Spaniels are constant shedders, they typically shed their coats seasonally, usually in the spring and fall. Regular brushing can help manage to shed and keep their coat looking its best.

  1. First-Class Detectives

In 2002, an English Springer Spaniel named Buster served with the British Army in Iraq, where he located a hidden arsenal of weapons and explosives. His detection skills saved countless lives, and he was awarded the Dickin Medal, the animal equivalent of the Victoria Cross, for his service.

In conclusion, the English Springer Spaniel appreciated for its energetic nature and amiable character, holds a diverse range of fascinating traits. From the origin of their name, the existence of two distinct types, their superior sense of smell, impressive swimming abilities, historical prominence, shedding patterns, and their prowess as detection dogs, these surprising facts shed new light on the depth and allure of this breed. Whether you’re an owner of an English Springer Spaniel or simply a fan of the breed, these lesser-known aspects will no doubt enhance your admiration for these remarkable dogs.

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