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7 Vital Tips for Grooming a English Springer Spaniel

Written by: Arlene D.
| Published on May 31, 2023

English Springer Spaniels, known for their cheerful disposition and athletic build, require regular grooming due to their medium-length coat. Here are seven vital tips to help maintain your Springer Spaniel’s coat in top condition:

1. Regular Brushing

The Springer Spaniel’s coat needs regular brushing, ideally three times a week, to keep it free from mats and tangles. Use a slicker brush or pin brush to efficiently remove loose hair and keep their coat looking its best.

2. Dealing with Shedding

Springer Spaniels are moderate shedders. Regular brushing will help to manage shedding, but during the shedding seasons in spring and fall, daily brushing might be necessary to control the volume of hair loss.

3. Bathing Routine

Bathe your Springer Spaniel approximately every one to two months, or when they get particularly dirty. Always use a dog-friendly shampoo that won’t strip the natural oils from their coat and skin.

4. Ear Checks and Cleaning

Springer Spaniels have long, droopy ears that can be prone to infections. Check their ears weekly for signs of redness, irritation, or a bad smell. Use a vet-recommended ear cleaner when needed.

We like the PetMD brand of ear wipes available on Amazon.

5. Nail Trimming

Regular nail trims are necessary to prevent discomfort and potential injury. Aim for a nail trim every 3-4 weeks, or whenever you hear their nails clicking on the floor.

This highly rated nail grinder on Amazon makes nail trims a breeze. 

6. Dental Care

To prevent dental disease, brush your Springer Spaniel’s teeth several times a week with a dog-friendly toothpaste.

For dogs who hate brushing, another good option are these tasty dental chews, available on Amazon. 

7. Regular Vet Check-ups

Ensure your Springer Spaniel has regular vet check-ups, ideally once a year, to catch any potential health issues early.

Here are seven frequently asked questions first-time Springer Spaniel groomers might have:

1. Q: How often should I groom my Springer Spaniel?

A: Regular grooming is essential for a Springer Spaniel’s health. Aim for brushing at least three times a week, and daily during shedding seasons. Bathing should occur every one to two months, or when necessary.

2. Q: What kind of brush should I use for a Springer Spaniel?

A: A slicker brush or pin brush is ideal for a Springer Spaniel’s medium-length coat.

3. Q: How often should I bathe my Springer Spaniel?

A: Bathe your Springer Spaniel approximately every one to two months, or when they get particularly dirty.

4. Q: What should I look for during an ear check?

A: Look for signs of infection, such as redness, irritation, or a bad smell. Clean the ears with a vet-approved solution when needed.

Related: 10 Best Vacuums for Pet Hair

5. Q: How often should I trim my Springer Spaniel’s nails?

A: Nail trimming should occur every 3-4 weeks, or whenever you hear their nails clicking on the floor.

6. Q: How can I maintain my Springer Spaniel’s dental health?

A: Regular teeth brushing is crucial. Aim to brush their teeth several times a week using a dog-friendly toothpaste.

7. Q: How often should I take my Springer Spaniel to the vet for a check-up?

A: Ensure your Springer Spaniel gets an annual check-up, or more frequently if you observe any health issues.

In conclusion, grooming your English Springer Spaniel is an integral part of their overall health and well-being. Armed with these seven tips and answers to FAQs, you’re well-prepared to keep your Springer Spaniel looking and feeling their best. Happy grooming!

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