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8 Problems Only a Lhasa Apso Owner Would Understand

Written by: Arlene Divina
Arlene Divina, one of the content writers at IHD, loves going on adventures with her adorable fur baby. She now creates informative content for pet parents. Read more
| Published on June 7, 2023

As any Lhasa Apso owner knows, these Tibetan treasures come with their own unique set of challenges, quirks, and absolute delights. So here they are, eight problems that will bring a wry smile to the face of any Lhasa Apso aficionado.

1. You’re Living with a Walking Carpet.

Lhasa Apsos are often referred to as the mop dogs, and rightly so! Their long, flowing hair can sweep your floors as they trot around. Tripping over them because you mistook them for a shaggy rug? You’re not the first and you won’t be the last!

2. The Grooming Commitment.

With great hair comes great responsibility. Their lovely locks require daily brushing to prevent matting, which means you’ll spend more time doing their hair than your own. Who knew you’d become a professional dog hairdresser?

3. That Independent Streak.

Bred as palace guards in Tibet, Lhasa Apsos carry a strong sense of independence and stubbornness. They seem to have their own thought bubbles saying, “I’ll do it when I want to, not when you want me to.”

4. Their Size Deception.

Lhasa Apsos may be small in size, but they certainly don’t know it. They carry the attitude and courage of a dog ten times their size. No burglar stands a chance against your tiny lion-hearted sentinel.

5. You Can’t Fool the Nose.

These dogs have an exceptional sense of smell, and they aren’t shy about investigating. Get ready for a thorough sniff-down every time you come home, with a keen interest in your shoes, bags, and whatever you’ve just eaten.

6. The Lhasa ‘Grumble’.

Lhasa Apsos are known for their unique ‘grumble’ – a low, throaty sound that is their way of communicating. It’s cute but sometimes tricky to decipher. You’ll find yourself asking, “Are you annoyed, hungry, or just telling me about your day?”

7. Lap Dog? Think Again.

Despite their small size, Lhasa Apsos aren’t the typical lap dogs. They love their humans but also enjoy their own space. A cuddle is on their terms. Unconditional love? Sure. Unconditional cuddling? Not so much.

8. The Lhasa Side-Eye.

These dogs are masters of the side-eye. A look that seems to say, “Really? We’re doing this?” or “I’m judging you” is a common Lhasa Apso trait. It’s all part of their charm!

Despite these hilariously relatable ‘problems’, being a Lhasa Apso owner is an absolute joy. Their independent spirit, protective nature, and luxuriously long coats make them a unique and loveable breed. The daily quirks and challenges are just part of the Lhasa Apso package that owners wouldn’t trade for the world. Because at the end of the day, these little lions have a big place in our hearts.

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