Dolly Dentz of Phoenix, Arizona adores her Terrier mixes, Fluffy and Boots. The dogs were a gift from her son, Bob and they are excellent company for the independent 90-year-old. Sadly, Fluffy and Boots have been spending most of their time at Bob’s house these days due to a neighbor’s complaints about their alleged barking. In fact, Dentz is facing up to 6 months in jail on misdemeanor charges in the case!
“I’m heartbroken,” Dentz told ABC 15. “It’s almost like they’re taking my children away from me.”
Last year, Dolly’s next door neighbor filed a barking dog complaint with the City of Phoenix. The city offered mediation, and Dentz agreed to use bark collars and keep the dogs inside during certain times of day, but the neighbor refused to budge.
He insisted that the senior citizen plead guilty to a criminal charge – something Dentz will not do.
“I’m not going to plead guilty to something,” she said. “They don’t bark. They’re really not barking dogs.”
Based on the complaint filed by the neighbor, he may be targeting the wrong pet owner all together. A third dog is listed in the paperwork – one that clearly does not belong to Dentz.
Bob Dentz says his mother is being unfairly victimized because of the way the law is set up. The neighbor is not required to provide proof in the form of photos or recordings – just a log of the perceived problem.
“Everything is based on what [the neighbor] said and what he wrote down by hand. He doesn’t have any recordings. He could write whatever he wants,” Bob Dentz said.
ABC 15 contacted the neighbor, but he “politely declined to be interviewed.”
Dentz is due in court on June 16th to once again attempt to resolve this issue. Until then, she will continue to have limited access to her precious pups.
“They fill my life with love; somebody for me to take care of,” she said of Fluffy and Boots.
H/T to ABC 15