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15 Absurd Dog Products You’ve Gotta See To Believe

| June 18, 2015

I’ll be the first to admit that I do, on occasion, dress up my dogs (in fact, all four of them have their own pair of fairy wings). Yet, even for me, there is a line when it comes to some things I just wouldn’t buy. Take a look at these items and lets us know in the comments – would you buy these crazy dog products?

#1 – Temporary Tattoos

Jorge Bendersky is known for his amazing skills at dog grooming and now he has started a trend – temporary tattoos made from glitter and glue that can last about a month or come off in a bath. Would you put one on your dog?

Image source: Jorge Bendersky
Image source: Jorge Bendersky

#2 – Rear Gear

Have a dog with a short tail and coat? Looking to conceal her (or his), umm, backend? Than this little product is for you – it comes in a variety of shapes and is handmade in Portland, Oregon. What happens when your dog goes the bathroom? Not sure we want to know…

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#3 – Dog Bikini

This one just begs one question….why?? (Says the woman with fairy wings for her dogs). Well, everyone has a line. Where is yours on this – would you put a swimsuit on your dog?

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Click page 2 below for the next products!

#4 – Pet Highchair

This chair clips onto your table (better be sturdy!) so your little pup can eat at the table with you? Want one? It’s on Groupon at the moment and over 60 have already been bought…

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#5 – Snuggie For Dogs

Nothing is worse than a Snuggie. Except maybe a snuggie for your dog. Though a Chinese crested might appreciate one in the winter.

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#6 – Puppy Tweets

What, you mean your dog doesn’t have a Twitter account? Well thanks to Mattel, your dog can have an account and this little tag will send you the tweets about what your dog is doing while you away.

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#7 – Dog Thong

Yup, someone actually thought this was a good idea and made one (and you thought the swimsuit was bad).

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#8 –Poop Trap

I just feel sorry for the dog that has to walk around with this on. I’m not sure my dog would even “go” if this was back there…

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#9 – Neuticles

So you were responsible and got your male dog neutered, but you are worried about the way he may look or if he misses them? No fear, you can purchase artificial implants to replace what he has lost. We want to know – would you do this?

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#10 – Dog Leash Umbrella

It’s okay if your dog gets wet, really…(secretly, I want one of these but I think it would scare a few of my dogs).

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#11 – Pet Peek Fence Window

Not only would this look awful on your fence, it’s a terrible idea if you have a reactive dog.

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#12 –Turd Burglar

Why anyone would create this is beyond me. You attach their product to a hockey stick and presto – it’s a “safe way to play with poop” – in other words, fling your dog’s poop everywhere, ummm, why?

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#13 –Bow Lingual Bark Translator

This item supposedly translates your dog’s barks into human language. Sure. It also finds Snipe.

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#14 – Dog “Papoose”

With the number of products out there to carry small dogs, it’s a wonder they haven’t lost their ability to walk.

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#15 –Dog as a Purse

Okay, it’s one thing to carry your little dog in a purse…but as a purse? Where does your change go?

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