If you know of anyone who could help us with training our Chihuahua/terrier mix going to be 2 year old dog to be a therapeutic dog for my daughter and myself, please let me know. He already lets me know when my blood sugars are going low 75% of the time without any training. He was an abused dog when we rescued him from a home off of Craigslist. He has done some training, but we live off of disability and the cost is becoming too much to keep up with. I am still working on getting his health up to 100%. Shortly after we got him we found out that the old owners had a tick on him, so the Emergency Vet said it was way down deep that was why I didn’t see it and he now has Lyme’s Disease. But he is in overall very good health just some allergy issues, mostly seasonal. Very loving and very attached to us. The training at the Humane Society said that he is a very bright dog and with the right training could easily pass the tests to be a service dog. She says I just have to keep working on getting him over his past abuse issues. We just are really looking for help and this point from some place. My daughter has epilepsy and I am a diabetic and we both have anxiety issues.
Thank you for any assistance you can think of.
Tammy Hill