Some dogs are so great at escaping that no fence and no cage can contain them. Just recently, we featured a very smart dog who used a trampoline to escape their yard and follow his owner to work! There was also that dog who opened the window so he could get out of the house!
Now here we have another dog who could not be contained. This dog desperately wants to be with his friend who’s on the other side of the fence. So what does he do? He climbs the chainlink fence just to be with him. Who said cats are the only ones who are good in climbing? I was so scared that he would fall or he would hurt himself on those sharp things on top of the fence. Watch the video below and see how this dog goes above and beyond to be with his friend!
Amazing! I’m so glad this dog didn’t hurt himself while climbing that fence! I wish whoever took the video could’ve helped him! But he succeeded by doing it himself anyway!
Is your dog an escape artist too? Tell us about his/her escape stories in the comments section below!