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Pups from the same litter

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    • #145242

      Has anyone ever brought home 2 golden pups from the same litter? This was our plan after having goldens most of our life but never more than one at once. Any advice or experience with 2 from same litter?

    • #150863

      We have for the first time 18 months ago. Positive side is they have each other all the time. Ours comfort each other and are best friends. Negative (as if!) They feed off each other. It makes it a bit more difficult to train at times. They become partners in crime. You will need extra patience. I will say though, we have never regretted the decision to adopt litter mates. Highly recommend it!

    • #150880

      We bought two goldens from the same litter and five years later they are always together. The girl, Sophie, seems to be the “leader” and the queen of the house while her brother, Sherman, is a follower and is just a big teddy bear! They BOTH LOVE attention and going for walks together!! We are afraid that when one passes away the other one will be totally lost!!!! We wanted a golden because we have a son with autism and wanted a dog that would be “easy going” and friendly with him. He loves both of the dogs but he and Sherman have a special bond.
      Enjoy them!!!! We love ours!!!

    • #151005

      I was supposed to get a golden retriever puppy from a litter. They made an mistake and gave me a boy instead of a girl. I noticed the mistake right away, but they couldn’t switch them until the next day. After a day with my little boy, I was in love. They switched them and my little girl kept whining – she could smell her brother but could not find him. I called and asked if I could get him too! They were the happiest dogs. Played together, slept together and were trained to be excellent dogs. I would give them toys, but one toy was always the favorite. They played fetch for hours. I named them Luke and Laura. They lived 12 long happy years together.
      After they passed away, my son’s dog had puppies. They were goldens and, of course, I picked out a boy and a girl. Most of the puppies went to family members. They can play with their mama, daddy, and brothers. The puppies father was my son’s dad’s golden. Having a pair is wonderful. They grow up together, play together, chase things together and both sleep with me. I love knowing they are together when I am away. Right now, both are under my desk, one with her head on my feet. All of them were spayed or neutered. They each have very different personalities and are the best companions. I make sure and give both of them lots of love and they have given me much happiness.
      The only thing I have difficulty with is walking both dogs together. If they both see a skunk, rabbit or large bird, they want to chase it. They are 70 and 60 pounds. Be sure and train them to walk together and not chase other creatures!
      Enjoy your pups – or older bonded dogs,

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