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The Bone Broth Trend: Why Are So Many Owners Giving It To Their Older Dogs?

By: Justin Palmer
Justin Palmer is a Certified Pet Food Nutrition Specialist and co-founder of Inspired by his rescued husky, Splash, he dedicated himself to learning about extending both the length and quality of her life. Splash lived and thrived until 18 years old, and now Justin is on a mission to share what he learned with other dog owners.Read more
| April 12, 2018

Recently we ran a poll in our 50,000+ Member iHeartSeniorDogs Facebook group asking the following question, “Have you ever given your senior dog bone broth?” 

We were surprised to find that 30% of our group’s respondents answered yes. What is behind the bone broth trend?

What Our Senior Dogs Lack

As our dogs age their appetites may begin to wane due to dental soreness, arthritis pain or decreased activity. Seniors that don’t take in adequate levels of essential nutrients like amino acids, potassium, zinc, and calcium are at a higher risk for illness. Bone broth is an easy and delicious way to give your older dog a power punch of nutrition and the calories she needs to keep her active and feeling great!

What Are the Main Benefits of the Nutrients Contained in Bone Broth?

  • Joint enhancing glucosamine & collagen – Many of us are all too familier with the debilitating effects of joint pain as our dog’s age. Bone broth provides a natural source of nutrients to help combat inflammation and promote healthy joints
  • Immune support through vital vitamins and minerals – Bone broth is packed full of naturally occuring vitamins and minerals. When a dog is sick, broth is often the only way to get nutrients in their system when their stomach may not be able to tolerate food
  • Appetite stimulant for ailing dogs – Bone broth has a delectable flavor to dogs, even those who are having a hard time eating their regular food. It’s also easy on the stomach and promotes digestion.

Should your senior dog experience a bout of illness or undergo surgery, bone broth is the perfect solution to rebuild her appetite and ensure she gets adequate nutrition during recovery. Better still, the delicious taste is something dogs beg for.

Aside from multiple amino acids and the nutrients listed above, bone broth is naturally rich in glucosamine and chondroitin, which have been proven to aid in the relief of arthritis symptoms that often plague senior dogs. Bone broth is also high in Vitamin C, which acts as a powerful antioxidant to reduce rheumatoid inflammation, and magnesium which increases bone density and relaxes muscles.

Don’t Have 4 Hours To Make Bone Broth? 

While many senior dog parents opt to make their own bone broth from scratch, it is a time consuming process and the broth has a limited shelf life. Something many of our readers have found helpful is the Project Paws bone broth powder, which gives your dog all the benefits of bone broth in a convenient, easy to digest form.

Whether pouring it over your senior dog’s regular diet to entice her to eat a bit more, or fed separately as an added boost during times of poor health, bone broth is a secret weapon all senior dog pawrents should have in their arsenal!



Featured Image via Flickr | Mariposa Vet


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