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Fighting Seborrhea on my Shih Tzu, Tessa

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    • #255617

      My 7 year old Shih Tzu has seborrhea according to my vet. He told me that you can’t completely cure it. I have tried several method to try and control it including changing dog food, using drops on her food, Dinovite (which she hates) and squeezing fish oil capsules on her food. Does anyone else have this problem with their dog, and have you found a way to control it?

    • #261583

      I have a Shih Tzu and a Yorkie. They don’t have Seborrhea, but I add organic coconut oil to their food. They love it, will eat it right out of my hand. It has a lot of positive health benefits for dogs, as well as humans, but what I’ve noticed with my Shih Tzu is that his coat is softer than it’s ever been. I attribute that to the coconut oil. I am not a health-food nut, but I’ve read a lot about the benefits of coconut oil for dogs-and there are many! My dogs HATED Dinovite too, I quit using that. I also use coconut oil on their foot pads, to moisturize them—search on-line-the benefits of coconut oil for dogs. It may just help the Seborrhea too–I hope so.

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