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Disabled Cocker Spaniel’s Wheelchair Is Stolen During Car Theft

By: Amber LaRock
Amber LaRock is a writer and reviewer for iHD. She is a Licensed Vet Tech with 12 years of experience in the field, and she now creates informative content for pet parents.Read more
| December 12, 2019

Violet is a triumphant pup that has faced her struggles head on and thrived despite her disabilities. The Camp Cocker Rescue has supported her through each step of her journey, but now they’re in need of some help.

Violet is lucky enough to have scored herself a permanent foster home with a dedicated foster fur mom. Though her foster mom has done everything in her power to help Violet succeed, there are some things that are just out of her control.


Just a few days ago, Violet’s foster mom’s car was stolen in the parking lot of her home. Though the theft itself is difficult enough to process, the car also held several of Violet’s supplies for her continued care. In the car was Violet’s custom wheelchair, her special boots, her car seat, and her backpack.

Violet was welcomed into the Camp Cocker Rescue in 2017 when she was surrendered to the Los Angeles County Animal Shelter. She was completely down in her back end due to severe atrophy of the muscles in her hind legs, meaning they had deteriorated to the point where she had no strength to walk.


The Camp Cocker Rescue had initially tried to find her an adopter, but due to her round the clock medical care, she was better suited as a permanent member of the forever foster club. With the love of her forever foster mom and the specialty care she has received in the program; she has improved immensely since her start in 2017.

Camp Cocker Rescue

Violet went from being completely paralyzed in her back end, to now standing on her own and even taking a few steps. Though she has made incredible strides, she still relies on her custom wheelchair to help her live life as a “handi-capable” pup. Her wheelchair helped to change her life, so the loss of something so important is a huge set back for this sweet girl.

Camp Cocker Rescue

The Camp Cocker Rescue has ordered her a new set of wheels along with her other supplies, but an additional purchase like this is quite hefty and takes away from the funds that were raised for her daily care. Violet and her rescuers are calling out to dog lovers everywhere for a helping hand in raising the funds to make up for this unexpected purchase.

If you are interested in helping the Camp Cocker Rescue, you can make a donation to Violet’s personal fund here.

Image Source: the_amazing_violet/Instagram  & Camp Cocker Rescue

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