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Removal of hair in ears Is it recommended

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    • #300380

      Have a Shih Tzu and my groomer says not necessary to remove hair from the ears as it keeps debris out of ears. Yet the Vet keeps fussing at me about so much hair doggy can’t hear sounds. Please give me help to do the right thing for Zorro. My first Shih Tzu Mr Ziggy, I was told at LSU Vet School that I needed to do hair at least every two weeks.
      I am so confused.

    • #384151

      Your groomer is so wrong….. My 9 year old Shih Tzu goes to our groomer every 6 to 8 weeks And she takes this scissors that is flat like a pliers and isn’t sharp….. But she does each ear seperatlly by getting a hold of the hair in each ear and twists the flat scissors and the hairs pop gently out out the canal……If this is not done your poor dog will get so many bacterial ear infections it will make your dog sick….. Your groomer is wrong and also either lazy or does not know what they’re doing…… GET THAT HAIR OUT OF YOUR POOR DOGS EARS…….

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