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Woman Brought Dog To Be Euthanized Instead Of Getting Him The Help He Needed

By: Dee Michaels
Dee Michaels is a passionate and accomplished writer, renowned for his heartwarming and engaging stories on more
| February 18, 2022

Charlie’s previous owner took him to the veterinarian to be put down, rather than learning what treatment would be best for Charlie. Fortunately, the veterinarian recognized that Charlie had a fighting chance and refused to euthanize him. The doctor contacted AMA Animal Rescue for assistance, and they were able to persuade the owner to give Charlie up.


Image/Story Credit Source: YouTube Video – TheDodo



Charlie’s condition was critical, and the shelter personnel determined that he needed immediate medical care. He had a slew of health difficulties, including matting, erosive and ulcerated periocular tissue, and loss of tear production.



Image/Story Credit Source: YouTube Video – TheDodo



One of AMA’s former adopters, who also worked at the veterinarian’s office that was caring for Charlie, agreed to take him. However, she began to fall in love with him while he was recovering, and she determined she could not part ways with him.

Charlie has been in one home or the other his entire life, so it was time for him to find a family with a secure and loving future. Charlie’s adoptive mother chose to adopt him permanently and provide him a permanent loving home! Brownie, Charlie’s new canine buddy, quickly became his best buddy during his recuperation.



Image/Story Credit Source: YouTube Video – TheDodo

She decided to adopt him permanently and give him a wonderful life! Charlie now has a canine sibling, Brownie, who he bonded with quickly during his recuperation.

Watch this heartwarming video below and be sure to SHARE with a fellow friend or family member!



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