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7 Vital Tips for Grooming a Havanese

By: Arlene Divina
Arlene Divina, one of the content writers at IHD, loves going on adventures with her adorable fur baby. She now creates informative content for pet parents. Read more
| June 1, 2023

Blessed with beautiful silky coats, Havanese dogs are a captivating breed. These cute, cuddly dogs require a specific grooming routine to keep their coats in top shape and ensure their comfort. Here are seven vital tips for grooming your Havanese.

1. Daily Brushing is a Must

Havanese dogs have long, silky hair that can tangle and mat easily. Daily brushing with a pin brush or comb is necessary to prevent matting, remove loose hair, and keep their coat looking its best.

2. Choose the Right Shampoo

Use a mild, dog-friendly shampoo that will not strip the natural oils from their coat. Since Havanese can be prone to dry skin, a moisturizing shampoo can be a good choice.

3. Regular Professional Grooming

While daily grooming at home is essential, a professional grooming session every 6-8 weeks can be beneficial. Professional groomers can give your Havanese a thorough bath, trim their hair, and attend to other grooming needs.

4. Nail Trimming

Regular nail trimming is necessary for your Havanese’s comfort. Long nails can cause discomfort and even affect their gait. Use a dog nail clipper or grinder, being careful to avoid the quick.

This highly-rated nail grinder on Amazon makes nail trims a breeze. 

5. Eye Cleaning

Tears can stain the fur around your Havanese eyes. Gently clean around the eyes with a soft, damp cloth daily, and use a tear stain remover if necessary.

6. Dental Care

Regularly brush your Havanese teeth using toothpaste made for dogs to prevent dental issues. You can also provide them with dental chews to help maintain oral hygiene.

For dogs who hate brushing, another good option are these tasty dental chews, available on Amazon. 

7. Regular Coat Trimming

If you prefer a shorter coat for easier maintenance, regularly trim your Havanese coat. This is especially helpful during the hotter months.

Let’s now tackle seven frequently asked questions about grooming a Havanese for the first time.

Q1: How often should I bathe my Havanese? A1: Typically, bathing your Havanese every 3-4 weeks is sufficient. However, if they get dirty, an additional bath may be necessary. Always remember to brush their coat before bathing to remove tangles.

Q2: What should I do if my Havanese coat is matting? A2: Regular brushing usually prevents matting. If matting occurs, use a de-matting tool or a slicker brush to gently remove the mats. Severely matted hair may require professional attention.

Q3: Can I shave my Havanese coat to make grooming easier? A3: While it’s okay to trim your Havanese’s coat for easier maintenance, it’s generally not recommended to shave them completely. Their coat provides protection from the sun and regulates their body temperature.

Q4: How often should I clean my Havanese ears? A4: Clean your Havanese’s ears weekly, or as often as your vet recommends. Floppy ears can trap moisture and dirt, leading to infections.

Q5: Can I use human toothpaste to brush my Havanese teeth? A5: No, human toothpaste can be harmful to dogs. Always use toothpaste specifically formulated for dogs.

Q6: How can I make grooming a positive experience for my Havanese? A6: Begin grooming sessions when your Havanese is a puppy. Keep the sessions short, use lots of praise, and reward them with treats to create positive associations.

Q7: How can I manage my Havanese tear staining? A7: Regularly cleaning around the eyes can prevent tear stains. Use a vet-approved tear stain remover, and if the problem persists, consult your vet as excessive tearing can be a sign of an underlying health issue.

In conclusion, maintaining your Havanese’s delightful coat requires commitment, patience, and the right grooming routine. These tips will help you keep your Havanese looking their best and feeling comfortable and happy. Regular grooming not only enhances their physical appearance but also their overall health, making it a vital part of pet ownership.

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