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The 5 Biggest Myths About Shiba Inus

By: Arlene Divina
Arlene Divina, one of the content writers at IHD, loves going on adventures with her adorable fur baby. She now creates informative content for pet parents. Read more
| July 7, 2023

As a proud and longtime owner of Shiba Inus, I’ve often encountered people who are captivated by the unique and appealing looks of the breed but also have misconceptions about their characteristics and temperament. With their fox-like features, dignified demeanor, and plush coats, Shiba Inus are undeniably attractive dogs, but they’re also a breed with a robust personality that can sometimes be misunderstood. Let’s debunk the five biggest myths about Shiba Inus.

Myth 1: Shiba Inus are just like Huskies

At first glance, with their curled tail and thick fur, Shiba Inus might remind people of their larger spitz relatives like the Siberian Husky. However, apart from some physical similarities, the two breeds have very distinct temperaments. While Huskies are famously friendly and gregarious, Shiba Inus are often more reserved, independent, and can be aloof with strangers.

Myth 2: They are not affectionate

A widespread myth about Shiba Inus is that they are aloof and not affectionate. While it is true that Shiba Inus are independent and often more reserved than other breeds, this does not mean they lack affection for their families. They are known to form strong bonds with their owners and can be incredibly loyal. Their way of showing love might not always involve cuddling on the couch; instead, they might show it through loyal companionship and guarding their favorite humans.

Myth 3: Shiba Inus are aggressive

This misconception likely stems from Shiba Inus’ confident and assertive demeanor. However, labeling them as aggressive is a misinterpretation of their character. With proper socialization and training, Shiba Inus can get along well with humans and other animals. They have a robust and spirited personality, but they are not naturally aggressive dogs.

Myth 4: They are impossible to train

Shiba Inus are known for their intelligence and independent thinking, which sometimes gets mistaken for stubbornness. It’s true; they can be a bit challenging to train compared to some other breeds. However, saying they are impossible to train is far from the truth. With consistency, patience, and positive reinforcement methods, Shiba Inus can be trained effectively. Their intelligence means they pick up on commands quickly, but their independent nature may require a bit more persuasion to follow them consistently.

Myth 5: Shiba Inus are quiet dogs

You might have heard the term “Shiba scream.” It’s a unique, loud, and high-pitched noise that the breed is known to make, often when they are unhappy, anxious, or overly excited. While it’s true that Shiba Inus are not excessively barky dogs, they do vocalize, and their “talking” can take new owners by surprise. It’s essential to understand this aspect of their communication and not mistake it for the breed being generally quiet.

Shiba Inus are a unique breed that possesses intelligence, agility, and a distinct personality. Their independent nature and spirited character make them an excellent choice for owners who appreciate their breed traits. It’s essential, as with any breed, to research thoroughly and understand the breed’s traits and needs before bringing a Shiba Inu into your home. Owning a Shiba Inu can be a wonderful experience, full of loyalty, fun, and the companionship of a dog with a truly individual personality.

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