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Bloodhound Puppy Training: The Surprising Truth About When to Start

Written by: Ejay C.
Ejay Cris C. Camposano, hailing from the Philippines, is a proud fur dad to two lovable dogs: a Beagle and a Shih Tzu. A college graduate with a degree in Electrical Engineering, Ejay has a diverse background that combines technical expertise with a passion for pets. His love for dogs and cats has profoundly influenced his life, leading him to a fulfilling career as a content writer at iHeartDogs. In his writing, Ejay captures the heartwarming bond between pets and their owners, sharing valuable insights and stories with a broad audience of animal lovers.Read more
| Published on August 22, 2023

Bloodhounds, renowned for their unparalleled scenting abilities, have been trusted companions of humans for centuries. Their sharp olfactory skills coupled with a calm and friendly temperament make them both excellent working dogs and loyal family members. If you’re the proud owner of a Bloodhound puppy or planning to be one, you might be pondering over the appropriate time to kick off their training. This article sheds light on the ideal time for training, the potential challenges of delaying it, and how online dog training courses can be advantageous for Bloodhound owners.

The Ideal Start Time for Training of a Bloodhounds Puppy

Training your Bloodhound should ideally begin the moment they step paw into your home, typically around the age of 8 to 10 weeks. This period is a prime time for imprinting and molding behavior. Bloodhound puppies, with their curious and eager-to-please nature, can absorb and adapt to lessons quickly.

The first few weeks should emphasize basic obedience commands like “come,” “sit,” and “stay.” Additionally, it’s paramount to start the process of socialization. Introduce your Bloodhound puppy to diverse surroundings, people, and other animals to nurture their innate sociable nature and ensure they mature into well-rounded adults.

Behavior Problems from Delayed Training of a Bloodhounds Puppy

Bloodhounds, while endearing and gentle, can develop certain behavioral issues if not guided early on:

  • Stubbornness: Bloodhounds are known for their independence. If not trained from a young age, this independent streak can translate into stubborn behaviors, making them less receptive to commands.
  • Scent Tracking: With their extraordinary sense of smell, Bloodhounds can easily become distracted by intriguing scents. If not trained early to respond to recall commands, they might often wander off following a scent trail, posing safety risks.
  • Vocalization: Bloodhounds have a distinct, sonorous bark. Without early training on when barking is appropriate, they can become excessively vocal, which could lead to noise complaints, especially if living in close communities.
  • Size and Strength: As they grow, Bloodhounds become strong and sizable dogs. Without early lessons on leash manners and polite behavior, handling them, especially during walks, can become a challenge for owners.

Benefits of Using an Online Dog Training Course for Your Bloodhound Puppy

The digital era has presented dog owners with the boon of online training courses. For Bloodhound parents, such platforms can provide a host of advantages:

  • Flexibility: One of the most significant perks of online dog training is the convenience it offers. Owners can access lessons at any time that suits their schedule, ensuring that training doesn’t have to be a rushed affair. This flexibility is especially beneficial for busy families or individuals.
  • Breed-specific Content: Some online platforms curate courses tailored to specific breeds. For Bloodhounds, this can be a game-changer. With insights into the breed’s unique temperament, needs, and potential challenges, these courses provide strategies and solutions that a generic training course might miss. Plus, being designed by experts, they provide accurate, efficient, and breed-relevant advice.

The Only 2 Online Puppy Training Courses We Recommend

1. SpiritDog’s Ultimate Puppy Bundle (BEST BUDGET FRIENDLY OPTION)

This comprehensive online puppy training program, designed by experienced trainer Steffi Trott, aims to help dog owners raise a well-behaved, social, and friendly puppy. The course provides lifetime access to over 70 lessons, including videos and an exclusive eBook, with a focus on critical behaviors like biting, potty training, and chewing. Participants can learn at their own pace from home, with the ability to ask unlimited questions to professional trainers. The program promises noticeable improvements in puppy behavior with just 10 minutes of practice per day. It comes with a 60-day money-back guarantee, lifetime personal support, and seven bonus mini-courses covering specific issues like hyperactivity and separation anxiety.

2. K9 Training Institute’s “Dog Masterclass” (BEST OVERALL)

In addition to basic puppy training, this more comprehensive training class tackles any behavior problem you might face with your dog. It’s made an a very easy to follow video format.


In summary, the road to nurturing a well-trained Bloodhound is both an exciting and rewarding journey. The sooner you embark on this adventure, the smoother the journey will likely be. With the dawn of the digital age, Bloodhound owners now have a treasure trove of resources at their fingertips, making the training process more efficient, tailored, and enjoyable. By starting early and harnessing the advantages of online training, your Bloodhound is sure to grow into a disciplined, happy, and loyal companion.

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