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Old English Sheepdog Temperament: What’s a Old English Sheepdog’s Personality Like?

By: Arlene Divina
Arlene Divina, one of the content writers at IHD, loves going on adventures with her adorable fur baby. She now creates informative content for pet parents. Read more
| September 28, 2023

The Old English Sheepdog (OES) is a large breed known for its double coat and distinctive bear-like gait. Beyond its striking appearance, the OES possesses a variety of temperament traits making it an excellent companion for the right owner.

1. Intelligent

Old English Sheepdogs are highly intelligent, which makes them both easy to train and a bit independent. Their smarts are often evident in their problem-solving abilities and quick learning of commands and routines.

2. Adaptable

The OES is adaptable to various living situations and climates. While they do well in spaces where they can move freely, they can also adjust to apartment living if given sufficient exercise and mental stimulation.

3. Protective

With their herding background, these dogs are naturally protective of their family. This trait makes them excellent watchdogs, as they are likely to bark to alert owners of anything unusual in their environment.

4. Social and Affectionate

OES dogs are known for their social and affectionate nature. They love being part of the family’s daily activities and are known to form strong bonds with their owners, often displaying a sweet and loyal demeanor.

5. Energetic and Playful

These dogs possess a playful spirit and moderate to high energy levels. Engaging in play, enjoying walks, and participating in other forms of exercise are crucial for their physical and mental health.

6. Herding Instinct

Their strong herding instinct can be evident in the way they interact with family members and other pets. Training and socialization are essential to manage this instinct positively and constructively.

7. Good with Children

Due to their playful and protective nature, OES dogs often get along well with children. However, due to their size, supervision is crucial when they are around small children to prevent accidental knocking or herding attempts.

8. Requires Mental Stimulation

To prevent boredom and potential behavior issues, these dogs need mental stimulation. Providing them with puzzles, engaging in training sessions, and participating in activities that challenge their minds are essential.

9. Somewhat Stubborn

Despite their intelligence, Old English Sheepdogs can display a stubborn streak. Consistent, patient training and early socialization are necessary to cultivate a well-behaved and responsive companion.

Old English Sheepdogs are a delightful breed offering companionship, protection, and endless affection to their owners. Understanding their temperament and personality traits is vital for prospective owners to ensure a harmonious and rewarding relationship with this iconic and lovable breed.

How Does a Male Old English Sheepdog Temperament Compare to a Female Old English Sheepdog?

Male Old English Sheepdog Traits:

1. Size and Physicality: Males are generally larger and possess a more robust physique than their female counterparts. This difference in size often results in males displaying higher energy levels and a more playful demeanor, requiring more exercise and mental stimulation.

2. Dominant Behavior: Male OES tend to exhibit more dominant behaviors. While this doesn’t necessarily translate to aggression, it does mean that male dogs might need more firm and consistent training to curb stubbornness or territorial behaviors.

3. Protective Instincts: The protective instincts are often more pronounced in male OES, making them excellent watchdogs. They are likely to be more vigilant and assertive when it comes to safeguarding their home and family members.

4. Consistent Affection: Males typically show affection consistently and are often more outgoing and social. They tend to form strong bonds with all family members and enjoy engaging with people.

Female Old English Sheepdog Traits:

1. Size Consideration: Females are generally smaller and may appear more refined in their features. Their smaller size often makes them seem more manageable, especially during walks or when interacting with children.

2. Early Maturity: Female OES usually mature faster than males, which may result in earlier responsiveness to training. This quicker maturity often makes them appear more intelligent and focused during their puppy years.

3. Protective of Loved Ones: Females are also protective but might be more selective, often attaching themselves more deeply to one or two family members. They are likely to be extraordinarily loyal and vigilant over their chosen person or people.

4. Mood Variations: The temperament of female dogs can sometimes be influenced by their heat cycles unless they are spayed. Owners might observe mood swings or changes in behavior during these periods.

Frequently Asked Questions about an Old English Sheepdog‘s Temperament and Personality

  1. What is the general temperament of Old English Sheepdogs?
    • Old English Sheepdogs (OES) are known for their intelligent, affectionate, and protective nature. They’re playful and energetic, forming strong bonds with family members while often being excellent with children.
  2. How are they with children?
    • OES are generally good with children, showing patience and playfulness. However, supervision is crucial due to their large size, ensuring they don’t accidentally knock over smaller kids during play.
  3. Are Old English Sheepdogs friendly towards strangers?
    • While protective of their families, well-socialized OES can be friendly towards strangers. Early and consistent socialization is important to foster comfort and friendliness around new people.
  4. How do they behave with other pets?
    • With their herding instinct, OES may try to herd other animals in the home. Proper socialization and training are necessary to ensure harmonious interactions with other pets.
  5. Are they easy to train?
    • The breed is intelligent, making them relatively easy to train. However, they can be a bit stubborn, so consistent and patient training from an early age is vital.
  6. Do they bark a lot?
    • OES can be vocal, often barking to alert owners of strangers or potential dangers. Training to control excessive barking is usually necessary.
  7. What are their exercise requirements?
    • They require regular exercise to maintain health and happiness. Daily walks, play sessions, and mental stimulation through training or puzzle toys are essential.
  8. Can they adapt to apartment living?
    • Although adaptable, OES thrive best in homes where they have more space to move, considering their large size and energy levels.
  9. Do Old English Sheepdogs shed a lot?
    • Despite their long coats, OES have hair rather than fur, reducing the amount of shedding. Regular grooming is still necessary to maintain their coats and minimize shedding.
  10. Are they prone to separation anxiety?
    • They form strong attachments to their families and may experience separation anxiety if left alone for extended periods. It’s important to gradually acclimate them to alone time.
  11. How protective are they?
    • OES are naturally protective, often acting as effective watchdogs for their families. Early socialization is crucial to ensure their protective instincts are well-managed.
  12. Is an Old English Sheepdog a good first dog?
    • Their size, grooming requirements, and training needs may be challenging for first-time dog owners. Experience with dog ownership or commitment to learning is recommended.
  13. Do they require a lot of grooming?
    • Yes, their long, dense coats require regular grooming to prevent matting and tangling, as well as to maintain their overall health and appearance.
  14. Are they good off-leash?
    • With proper training, they can be trusted off-leash in secure areas. However, their herding instincts may kick in, so it’s essential to have a reliable recall.
  15. Are Old English Sheepdogs hypoallergenic?
    • While no dog is truly hypoallergenic, the OES’s hair-like coat produces fewer allergens than breeds with fur. However, potential owners with allergies should spend time with the breed before deciding to acquire one.

What Kind of Person Is a Good Fit for an Old English Sheepdog?

The Old English Sheepdog (OES) is a charismatic and distinctive breed known for its affectionate and protective nature. Understanding the type of owner that suits an OES is crucial for a rewarding and harmonious relationship. Below are seven types of individuals or families that are typically a good fit for this breed.

1. Active Individuals

The OES is energetic and playful, requiring regular exercise and mental stimulation. Active individuals who enjoy outdoor activities and can provide daily walks, playtime, and training sessions will find a joyful companion in an OES.

2. Families with Children

Old English Sheepdogs are known for their patience and gentle demeanor with children. Families with kids will benefit from the breed’s protective and playful nature, though supervision during play is recommended due to the dog’s large size.

3. Experienced Dog Owners

First-time dog owners might find the OES challenging due to their size, grooming needs, and training requirements. Individuals with prior experience in dog ownership and training are more likely to successfully navigate the nuances of raising and living with an OES.

4. Individuals with Time for Grooming

OES have a thick, long coat that requires regular grooming to prevent matting and maintain skin health. Owners must be prepared to invest time in daily brushing and regular grooming sessions, or willing to pay for professional grooming services.

5. Homeowners with Space

While adaptable, the Old English Sheepdog thrives in environments where there’s enough space to move and play. Homes with yards or those close to parks and open spaces are ideal for this breed.

6. Patient and Consistent Trainers

OES can be somewhat stubborn and independent. Individuals who are patient and consistent with training, employing positive reinforcement techniques, will foster a well-behaved and responsive companion.

7. Those Seeking a Loyal Companion

If you desire a dog that forms a deep bond with family members, the Old English Sheepdog might be the perfect fit. They are loyal, affectionate, and dedicated to their owners, providing both companionship and protection.

An Old English Sheepdog can be a delightful addition to many homes, offering unparalleled loyalty, protection, and affection. However, they are best suited to individuals and families that can meet their exercise, grooming, and training needs. By understanding and aligning with the breed’s unique characteristics and requirements, owners will enjoy a loving and rewarding relationship with their Old English Sheepdog. Whether you are an active individual, an experienced dog owner, or a family with children, the OES can bring joy, security, and companionship into your life.

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