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What’s The Bite Force of a Collie & Does It Hurt?

By: Ejay Camposano
A college graduate with a degree in Electrical Engineering, Ejay has a diverse background that combines technical expertise with a passion for pets and is now one of the content writers at IHD. Read more
| October 19, 2023

The Collie, often recognized for its graceful appearance and the popularity it gained from films and television shows, is more than just a pretty face. Behind its warm eyes and luxurious coat, one might wonder about its bite force and the potential pain that could come with it. This article will delve deep into the bite dynamics of the Collie.

Delving into the Collie’s Origins

To understand the Collie’s bite force, it is crucial first to trace its roots. Originally bred in Scotland and Northern England, Collies were primarily used as herding dogs, tasked with guiding and protecting livestock. Their primary function was not to attack or defend aggressively but to control and move animals. Thus, their bite characteristics can be linked to these herding origins.

Measuring the Bite Force of a Collie

While there can be some variance between individual Collies, the average bite force of a Collie is estimated to be around 220 PSI (pounds per square inch). For perspective, humans have an average bite force of 120-140 PSI. While Collie’s bite force is stronger than that of humans, it’s worth noting that they aren’t among the breeds with the most powerful bites, such as the Mastiffs or Rottweilers.

The Collie Bite in Comparison to Other Breeds

When compared to other breeds, the Collie’s bite force ranks somewhere in the middle. They have a stronger bite than many smaller breeds, but when compared to larger or guardian breeds, the Collie’s bite isn’t the most formidable. It’s a reflection of their breeding purpose, which prioritized agility, intelligence, and herding instincts over aggressive power.

Pain Assessment: A Bite from a Collie

Given the bite force statistics, a bite from a Collie can indeed be painful, especially if it’s a defensive or frightened bite. However, Collies, being known for their gentle disposition, rarely bite with full force without significant provocation. As with any dog bite, the actual pain experienced will depend on the context and intensity of the bite.

The Gentle Temperament of Collies

Collies are renowned for their friendly and gentle nature. They are intelligent, easy to train, and typically get along well with children and other pets. Their herding instincts might lead to some nipping or “heeling” behavior, especially in puppies, but this is rarely done with malice or strong force.

Training and Socialization for Bite Prevention

For Collies, early socialization and consistent training are essential in ensuring that their biting tendencies, especially those related to herding, are controlled. Positive reinforcement techniques work well with Collies, given their eager-to-please attitude. Redirecting their herding instincts into playful activities can also be beneficial.


While Collies are not renowned for a particularly fearsome bite, it’s essential to respect and understand their capabilities. Their herding background and gentle temperament mean that they’re less likely to resort to aggressive biting. However, ensuring they’re well-trained and well-understood will maintain their status as loyal and loving companions without any concerns regarding their bite.

Frequently Asked Questions About Collie Bites

1. Are Collies known to be aggressive biters?

No, Collies are not naturally aggressive. They are known for their gentle and friendly disposition. While they have herding instincts which might lead to nipping behavior, they typically do not exhibit aggressive biting tendencies.

2. Why does my Collie puppy nip at my heels?

This behavior stems from the Collie’s herding background. Nipping at the heels is a way to control and guide livestock. While it’s a natural instinct, it’s important to address and redirect this behavior to ensure it doesn’t become problematic as the puppy grows.

3. How can I train my Collie to reduce nipping behavior?

Positive reinforcement training techniques work well with Collies. Whenever they exhibit the desired behavior, reward them with treats or praise. Redirecting their herding instincts into other activities, like fetch or agility training, can also help minimize nipping.

4. How does a Collie’s bite force compare to other dog breeds?

Collies have a bite force that’s somewhere in the middle when compared to other breeds. While they possess a stronger bite than some smaller breeds, they don’t have as formidable a bite as some guardian or larger breeds.

5. My Collie snapped at a stranger approaching him. Is this common?

While Collies are generally friendly, any dog can snap if they feel threatened or cornered. It’s essential to understand the context and ensure that your Collie is well-socialized from a young age to reduce such behaviors.

6. Is the herding-nipping behavior in Collies harmful to children?

Collies are typically gentle with children. However, their herding behavior might lead to some nipping, especially in young, active Collies. It’s essential to supervise interactions and train the dog to minimize this behavior.

7. What should I do if my Collie bites someone?

Ensure the person is okay and address any injuries immediately. It’s also crucial to assess the situation leading to the bite to understand any potential triggers and work on preventing similar incidents in the future.

8. Are Collies prone to any health issues that might make them more irritable and prone to biting?

Like all breeds, Collies can have health issues, such as hip dysplasia or certain eye conditions. Pain or discomfort can make a dog more irritable. Regular vet check-ups can help identify and address potential health concerns.

9. How do I ensure my Collie doesn’t bite other pets or animals?

Socializing your Collie from a young age with various animals can help. Training sessions that focus on commands like “leave it” or “stay” can also ensure they behave appropriately around other animals.

10. Are there specific situations where Collies are more likely to bite?

Every Collie is individual, but common triggers for dogs include feeling threatened, cornered, or in pain. Proper training, socialization, and understanding of your Collie’s specific temperament and triggers can help mitigate biting risks.

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