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20 Fun & Fascinating Facts About Pug Puppies

By: Ejay Camposano
A college graduate with a degree in Electrical Engineering, Ejay has a diverse background that combines technical expertise with a passion for pets and is now one of the content writers at IHD. Read more
| October 26, 2023

Pugs have always been beloved for their distinctive looks and charming personalities. Their compact size, coupled with a face that’s hard to resist, has made them a favorite among dog lovers around the world. But there’s so much more to Pugs, especially when they’re puppies. Let’s dive into 20 fascinating facts about Pug puppies.

1. Pug puppies are descendants of ancient Chinese dogs.

Pugs trace their origins back to ancient China, where they were considered prized possessions by Chinese emperors. These dogs were selectively bred for their distinctive “lion’s face,” which is still evident in today’s Pugs. They later made their way to Europe, where they continued to be favorites among royalty.

2. The Pug’s name has an uncertain origin.

It’s believed that the name “Pug” might have derived from the Latin word ‘pugnus,’ meaning fist, perhaps because their face resembles a clenched fist. Another theory suggests that Pug is based on the term used for playful little devils or monkeys.

3. Pug puppies are born with a soft, curly tail.

When Pug puppies are born, their iconic curly tail isn’t always so curly. It softens and becomes more defined as they grow. This curl tightens over time, creating the signature Pug tail curl we all recognize.

4. They’re known for their snoring.

Thanks to their short, flat muzzles, Pugs are known to be a bit noisy when they sleep. Pug puppies often snore, grunt, and snuffle, which can be both endearing and, for some, a nighttime disturbance.

5. Pug puppies have double coats.

Despite their short fur, Pugs have a double coat. This means they shed year-round and will have heavier shedding periods typically in the spring and fall. Regular grooming can help manage this shedding.

6. Their facial wrinkles need special care.

The deep wrinkles on a Pug’s face give them their distinctive appearance. However, these folds can trap dirt and moisture, so it’s essential to clean them regularly to prevent infections.

7. Pug puppies are very playful and curious.

Despite their often serious expression, Pug puppies are known for being exceptionally playful and curious. They love exploring their surroundings and playing with toys, making them entertaining companions.

8. They’re sensitive to temperature extremes.

Because of their short muzzles, Pugs can struggle with regulating their body temperature. Pug puppies, in particular, need to be protected from extreme cold or hot temperatures, ensuring they’re comfortable.

9. Pug puppies’ eyes are prone to certain issues.

Due to their prominent eyes, Pugs can be susceptible to various eye issues, including dry eye, corneal ulcers, and protrusion of the eyeball. Regular check-ups and being aware of any changes in their eyes can help address potential issues.

10. They have a rich history with royalty.

Pugs have been associated with royalty throughout history. From Chinese emperors to European monarchs like Queen Victoria, these dogs have always been in the company of the elite.

11. Pugs communicate with a wide range of sounds.

From barks to grunts, yips to whines, Pug puppies are quite vocal. They have a unique way of “talking” to their owners, expressing everything from excitement to discontent.

12. They are known to be a bit stubborn.

While Pug puppies are intelligent, they can also showcase a stubborn streak. Consistent training from a young age can help manage this trait.

13. Pug puppies love to be in the company of their humans.

Pugs are known for their affectionate nature. They thrive on human interaction and often suffer from separation anxiety if left alone for extended periods.

14. They have a compact body but a big-dog attitude.

Despite their small size, Pug puppies often behave like they’re much larger than they are. This confidence, paired with their playful nature, makes them stand out.

15. Pug puppies often tilt their heads when curious.

One of the most endearing behaviors of a Pug puppy is the head tilt. They often do this when something piques their curiosity or when trying to understand a new sound.

16. They can be great with kids.

With proper socialization, Pug puppies can be excellent companions for children. Their playful and gentle nature makes them suitable for families.

17. Pug puppies’ color can change as they grow.

Pug puppies might be born a certain shade, but their coat color can change or become more defined as they mature. Common colors include fawn, black, apricot, and silver.

18. They have a strong food drive.

Pug puppies are known for their love of food, which can lead to overeating. Monitoring their diet and ensuring they get regular exercise is crucial to prevent obesity.

19. Their short nose can lead to breathing issues.

Because of their brachycephalic nature, Pug puppies can have respiratory issues. It’s essential to avoid over-exerting them, especially in hot weather.

20. Pug puppies are quick learners.

While they can be stubborn, Pug puppies are also quick to learn. With positive reinforcement and consistency, they can pick up new commands and tricks quite swiftly.


Pug puppies are not just adorable; they come with a rich history, quirky traits, and a personality that’s hard to match. Whether you’re considering adopting one or just an admirer, there’s no denying the unique charm of Pug puppies.


Frequently Asked Questions About Pug Puppies

1. How big do Pugs typically get when fully grown?

Pugs are considered a small breed, with adult Pugs typically weighing between 14 to 18 pounds. Their height usually ranges from 10 to 13 inches at the shoulder. Despite their compact size, they have a robust and stocky build.

2. Are Pugs suitable for families with children?

Yes, Pugs are known for being affectionate and gentle, making them great companions for families with children. It’s always essential, however, to teach children how to interact with dogs properly and always supervise their interactions to ensure safety for both the child and the dog.

3. Do Pugs shed a lot?

Despite their short coat, Pugs do shed quite a bit. They have a double coat, which means they shed year-round, with heavier shedding periods typically in the spring and fall. Regular grooming can help manage their shedding.

4. Are Pugs easy to train?

Pugs are intelligent and eager to please, but they can also be a bit stubborn. With consistent training and positive reinforcement, they can be trained relatively easily. Early socialization and puppy training classes can be beneficial.

5. How often should I groom my Pug?

Regular grooming is essential for Pugs to keep their coat healthy and manage shedding. Brushing a few times a week can help reduce loose hairs, and facial wrinkles should be cleaned regularly to prevent infections.

6. Do Pugs have any common health issues?

Pugs can be prone to certain health issues due to their unique physical features. Common concerns include breathing problems, eye issues, and joint problems. Regular vet check-ups and awareness of their specific needs can help in early detection and management.

7. How much exercise do Pugs need?

Pugs are relatively low-energy dogs, but they still require regular exercise to maintain a healthy weight and stay mentally stimulated. Daily short walks and play sessions are usually sufficient for this breed.

8. Are Pugs good apartment dogs?

Yes, Pugs can make excellent apartment dogs due to their size and moderate energy level. They thrive in environments where they are close to their human companions. However, it’s essential to provide them with daily exercise and mental stimulation.

9. How long is the average lifespan of a Pug?

With proper care, a Pug’s average lifespan is around 12 to 15 years. Like all breeds, ensuring a healthy diet, regular vet check-ups, and proper exercise can contribute to a longer, healthier life.

10. Why do Pugs snore so much?

Pugs have a brachycephalic skull, meaning they have a short and flat muzzle. This can lead to narrower airways, causing them to snore, grunt, or breathe loudly, especially when sleeping or excited.

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