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Poodle Needed Her Legs Amputated, But They Doubted She Could Handle It

By: Julie Hunt
Julie Hunt is an avid dog lover and writer for, and has a background as a veterinary technician. She rescued a beautiful former bait dog named Rory.Read more
| November 3, 2023

When her parents first saw Cora, a puppy who had been in a car accident, her emotional state seemed to indicate that she had little will left to live. Both of her front legs were broken, and she was in tremendous pain. It was clear that her humans had to give her a chance to fight, even if that meant amputating both of her legs.

But could she handle it?


Cora found a new home, complete with a cozy little kennel and a personal heater. It was during the rehabilitation process that her mom and dad began to see the real Cora emerge. She started to dig deep, refusing to take no for an answer. She was determined to walk, move, eat, and drink on her own. As Cora started to jump and hop, it became evident that she was rapidly improving. It seemed as though she had realized internally that she could get better. Once she was fully rehabilitated, she shared her infectious energy with everyone she met.


Cora’s dad says that he doesn’t know if Cora intentionally tries to make people’s lives better, but it’s clear that she lives to be around people and share her zest for life. One of the most heartwarming aspects of Cora’s story is her relationship with her human sister. The two have grown up together, as Cora was brought home when the baby was born. Both the little girl and the dog are attention-seekers, so they give each other the attention they crave. Cora has even encouraged the young child to learn how to walk.


At only two years old, the little girl is just learning to speak. She is incredibly proud of her ability to say Cora’s name. Her mother says that this is exactly what she wanted in a family pet and for her daughter. Based on what we saw of Cora in the beginning, it’s hard to believe that she is now the happiest dog on the planet. Her entire personality has developed out of the struggles she has been through. She has persevered through so much darkness and come out the other end with a deep understanding of what struggle is. For that reason, she greets each day with tail wags and smiles.

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