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      I have to protect mom, I follow her everywhere! I make sure she is safe when she takes the trash out and when she cooks in the kitchen. Sometimes I think she drops food on purpose. Ball, oh through the ball, through the ball, through the BALL. Ahhh, I love the ball.
      Where was I, oh yes mom. She especially needs my protection in the bathroom! Shower or potty I am faithfuly there by her side! I make sure to keep a sharp watch when we go for rides in the car. I watch every car zoom past and I am extra vigilant watching bikers and pedestrians. BALL yay, through the ball, through the ball, through the ball!!!!!!
      Mom… Yes I am always by her side and under her feet. But the second daddy gets home my heart skips a beat. I do a happy dance and run to great him, then go to the spot. What is the spot you ask, well thats dads spot. You know the chair or the place on the couch that dad always sits. Sometimes when hes not home the kids will sit there but when he is they clear out!!! Its dads spot! So this is where I patiently, ok maybe not very patient, wait for him to take off his jacket and hang his keys for him to join me at the spot. My tail wont sit still and my feet do a happy dance and a happy little whine comes out to remind him to hurry.
      When he joins me at the spot sheer joy. I must give him hugs and kisses and plop in his lap for belly rubs. He loves belly rubs, or is it me that loves them? We curl up on the couch and watch football and all is good. Ball, yay dad the ball, it right there do you see it… Let me move it closer… Yes yes pick it up… Yay, through the ball!!! Wait mom is going to the kitchen, better go check.
      I have to admit I love my dad so much when he gets up from his spot I will take it just so he will give me more hugs and kisses and belly rubs to move. Its my favorite game!

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