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Lady Ignored Dog Tied To Her Trailer That Still Has An Infectious ‘Joy-For-Life’

By: Dee Michaels
Dee Michaels is a passionate and accomplished writer, renowned for his heartwarming and engaging stories on more
| December 21, 2023

A dog who was found tied up to a trailer and neglected for a month longed for food and affection. Thankfully, he was rescued and eventually adopted by a loving woman. The dog, now named Oscar Meyer, has come a long way since his days of being neglected and mistreated.


The woman living at the trailer where Oscar Meyer was found told rescuers that the dog had shown up one day and never left. Instead of caring for him, she decided to tie him up, leaving him without proper care or attention. When rescuers arrived, they found the dog’s thick rope so entangled that they had to use a large knife to cut him free.

Upon his release, Oscar Meyer was visibly excited and grateful to see someone there to help him. He was taken to a shelter where he was examined by staff and given the care he desperately needed. Despite his trauma, his happiness and enthusiasm for life were evident from the start. He inspired everyone around him with his ability to forgive humans for wronging him in the past.


After spending a week at the shelter, Oscar Meyer caught the eye of a staff member named Kris, who decided to take him home and foster him. It didn’t take long for Oscar to fit in with Kris’s family, including her other dog, Simba. The two dogs bonded quickly, and it was clear that Oscar was finally experiencing the love and care he deserved.


Oscar Meyer’s joy for life was infectious, and it was evident that he had left his past behind him. He was thrilled to see Kris come home each day and quickly learned new tricks, like sitting on command. After a couple of weeks, Kris knew that she wanted to adopt Oscar Meyer permanently.

Now, Oscar Meyer is living his best life with his new family, who are incredibly grateful for the chance to give him all the love and attention he deserves. We are so thankful for Oscar’s rescue and wish the entire pack the very best!

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