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Puppy Pulled From Rubbish Adjusts To A ‘Normal Life’ But His Past Lingers

By: Dee Michaels
Dee Michaels is a passionate and accomplished writer, renowned for his heartwarming and engaging stories on more
| January 6, 2024

When Seryozha received a call for help from her friend, she never expected to find a tiny, helpless puppy struggling to survive in the trash. The one-day-old pup was hungry, thirsty, and missing his mother. Despite the cruel act, Kimchik was a fighter! He was a beautiful little creature in the sea of rubbish with his newborn eyes still closed. Seryozha promised to foster Kimchik so he could lead a happy life– and that’s precisely what she did.


Over the next several days, Kimchik began to grow and thrive under Seryozha’s loving care. By day 10, he started nibbling wet food. By day 30, he was taken to the clinic for a check-up and his first vaccine. Kimchik was a happy, active puppy who eagerly accepted all the love and attention he received.


As the days went by, Kimchik continued to flourish. On day 40, he had his first bath. He was scared but with Seryozha’s tender touch, he calmed down. Although still tiny, Kimchik soon overcame his trepidation playing with the larger dogs. They all had a ball!

By day 55, Kimchik loved playing with toys and interacting with his human family more. He was a bright and energetic puppy, eager to explore the world around him. On day 80, he accompanied his foster mother to the supermarket, where he was fascinated by all the sights and sounds.


Finally, on day 100, Kimchik found his forever home! He was adopted by a loving family who welcomed him with open arms. In his new home, Kimchik made friends with his doggy brother and they continue to enjoy going for walks and playing. Kimchik’s journey from a desperate, abandoned puppy in the trash to a beloved family member is inspirational. We are forever grateful for his rescue!


Kimchik’s story is a heartwarming reminder that even in the darkest of circumstances, there is hope for a bright future. With the help of caring individuals like Seryozha, abandoned and abused animals can find the love and happiness they deserve. So, if you ever come across a homeless pet, remember Kimchik’s story and consider opening your heart and home to an animal in need.

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